Callery Pear topworked to Hunter's Choice (one year ago)

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
There was a thread a while back about topworking Callery Pear. I took a picture of this one that I topworked last year, so you are looking at one year of growth from a 6 inch scion.

If you zoom in and look right at the bottom of the ribbon you will see a little swelled place in the trunk. This is my graft union. As you can see I did it high. I did one more last year and changed it to a Kieffer. It looks about the same as this one.

Yes, I can see that I have a double central leader on this one that grew above the graft. I could cut it back to one, and I may decide to do that. Really though, I'm not that concerned with it.

Wow, how old were the Callery roots?
Wow, how old were the Callery roots?

I don't remember for sure. It was one that popped up in one of my rows of trees, and I just kept letting it grow and thinking eventually I would do something with it. I'd say at the ground the tree is probably 2 inches in diameter. I think that is a pretty good size to topwork.
Good job. I tried a few pears two years ago and none worked. I think my scions were bad. I have done a ton of apples with no problems.

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My cousin and I top-worked a couple dozen callery pears that were growing wild all over the property. We used a bunch of scions from GRIN and some others I got off trees on our land. Success rate was probably 80-90% and growth ranged from six inches to four feet after first year.
Thats some quick growth Native, nice work!