Buying b118 rootstock vs standard root stock

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Well I am considering either germinating some apple seeds for future standard root stock or buying some b118 from cummins. How long can one expect before a germinated seed will reach grafting size? This will be my first attempt so figured I would just tinker with 10 or so. Not hardly worth ordering from cummins in this low of quantity. Maybe some of us could do a group order? Thoughts an opinions welcome please.
Takes about three years to grow one from seed big enough. I ordered just 10 b118's from Cummin's last year and will this year. Was worth it to me.
I think the main advantage to buying known roots is u know what you are getting. you will also have fruit way sooner.
If you can afford it, why not order 25 for the price break. Graft your 10 this year and carry over the other 15 for graft later? I'd go that route over planting seeds

Or plant a few b118's as is and see what you get. I did so.

At least one of these rootstocks makes a great deer apple. Hardy, late dropping, and pretty disease free.
Or do what I do and go to your nearest soil and water district and get what ever variety crabapple they offer and use that as your stock
Or do what I do and go to your nearest soil and water district and get what ever variety crabapple they offer and use that as your stock
Can you post some pics of your success with this? Would love to hear more about it
Here some in pots
I have been only doing this for 2yrs so none of my trees are very old yet. I get red splendor crab, but this year decided to try some dolgo as well

After trying to grow them from seed I would definitely recommend getting known root stock
I grew about 20 apple seedlings from seed this year and did 10 grafts on B.118 from Cummins. I won't be growing apples from seed again - much quicker to go the grafting route. Best of Luck!
Well looks like ordering rootstock is the general consensus. Tks for the responses as I love to learn from others experiences. After adding a half dozen trees this fall I will have the following rootstocks mm106, mm111 and b118. I will have 21 fruit trees in all. I look forward to the day that I can share my experiences with you all on how these rootstocks perform on my Mo soil. If I add any more trees from now on I think I'm gonna focus on late dropping varieties on standard root stocks. I think late season food is the real ticket to a strong deer heard.