Buy Acorns?

Troubles Trees

5 year old buck +
I have looked several times to buy a variety of acorns but the only place I came across acorns for sale, other than Amazon and Etzy kind of places (yuk), was Tennessee Wholesale Nursery which gives a VERY long description of what acorns are... but never identifies what kind of Oaks it comes from. I have searched in several directions like buy Acorns for squirrels or Acorns for feeding deer or livestock and see them in bulk but not really what I am looking for. Maybe such a place doesn't exist but I would think Nurseries that sell Oak seedlings would offer them, I just didn't find any, maybe I just didn't look in the right places either so I figured it didn't hurt to ask here.

I always strive for diversity in all my plantings and only have access to a very limited amount of different Oaks to get acorns from. Looking online at seedlings there are many more types of oaks that are conducive to my hardiness zone, they are just not native to my area and I would like to change that. Oaks like Nuttall, Shumard, Chinkapin, SWO, Sawtooth interest me particularly but honestly I would like to plant 10 of each type (genus?) that would grow in zone 5 or colder.
Can't give you a direct answer where to source from but the fella who runs Midwest Whitetail site claims to have direct seeded over 35 acres worth over the years. The majority sourced from a local private forester and others from a private land biologist from his home state of Iowa. Not much help I know but maybe you start with your state and private land consultant in your google word string search somehow.
Most years, I could provide hundreds of pounds of large bur oak acorns and moderate amounts of Schuettes/Bebbs hybrid acorns... but freezes this spring while almost everything - including oaks - resulted in virtually no fruits, acorns, or nuts. Young grafted 'Macon' Nutall oak has a good crop of acorns (being a red oak, this year's acorns were 'conceived' last spring), however... whether or not I can beat the squirrels/deer/jays/crows to them when they ripen, IDK.
Most years, I could provide hundreds of pounds of large bur oak acorns and moderate amounts of Schuettes/Bebbs hybrid acorns... but freezes this spring while almost everything - including oaks - resulted in virtually no fruits, acorns, or nuts. Young grafted 'Macon' Nutall oak has a good crop of acorns (being a red oak, this year's acorns were 'conceived' last spring), however... whether or not I can beat the squirrels/deer/jays/crows to them when they ripen, IDK.

I would gladly send you some money before you ship for the shipping and a little something added for your time if you can get your hands on some bud.
We had snow just after Mothers Day here in NY this year, the latest I have ever seen it snow but we seem to have lots of apples and Acorns despite that.
Sheffield's Seed Company and F.W. Schumacher sell acorns. Go to their web site and look up the species you want. It looks like a few of the species that interest you are out of stock, but that is probably because they have not collected any yet. You might be pushing the cold tolerance of Nuttall oak and possibly sawtooths.

Also, try searching for tree seed suppliers and not acorn suppliers. You will get quite a few more hits that way.
Sheffield's Seed Company and F.W. Schumacher sell acorns. Go to their web site and look up the species you want. It looks like a few of the species that interest you are out of stock, but that is probably because they have not collected any yet. You might be pushing the cold tolerance of Nuttall oak and possibly sawtooths.

Also, try searching for tree seed suppliers and not acorn suppliers. You will get quite a few more hits that way.

OHHHHHH, you nailed it bud!!
Although they sell acorns by the ounce as opposed to number of acorns? lol I am not sure how that translates to number of acorns but that looks like a good place for many different species of Oaks.

Sheffield's Seed Co. has a crapload of different Oaks!
Schumacher's also has a good variety!
Thank you sir!
They sell them by the pound also and let you know approximately how many would be in a pound. I can send you sawtooths now, Shumards in a couple of weeks, and Nuttalls in a couple of months once they drop, but they would all be from trees in south Mississippi. I am not sure how they would do in New York. There was a seed exchange thread started last year. You might start another one this year and ask for species you want. You might be able to find everything you want from people here.
Thank you Fishman! :emoji_relaxed: