Bush ID

MA VT Flatlander

5 year old buck +
Not sure what this bush is, I think an Alder of some kind. food plot pictures May 21, 1014 2014-05-21 001.JPG food plot pictures May 21, 1014 2014-05-21 003.JPG
Yes, its an Alder of some description.

The two most common alders around her are Hazel alder (Alnus serrulatus) and Speckled Alder (Alnus incana). The main way I can tell them apart is that Speckled has more white on the trunk and the leaves are lighter on the underneath side.

More than likely one of those, but can't tell from those pictures. Not much difference in them in terms of wildlife value anyway.

I bet that is a low, moist spot where it is growing. Never seen one in any other type place.
Not sure what this bush is, I think an Alder of some kind. View attachment 534 View attachment 535

It is an over grown corn field close to a small brook. All the green bushes are MFR I am cutting out. I just want the native shrubs and bushes growing ,not the invasive stuff.
I think your right Tag or Hazel Alder, does it have much value for deer browse or mostly for cover?
It is an over grown corn field close to a small brook. All the green bushes are MFR I am cutting out. I just want the native shrubs and bushes growing ,not the invasive stuff.
I think your right Tag or Hazel Alder, does it have much value for deer browse or mostly for cover?

Not much browse value in my area, but we have way more wild foods than the deer population can eat. I have read about it being browsed but not witnessed it myself.