Bush honeysuckle management


Buck Fawn
We have a corner of our property, about 3 acres, that is dominated by large bush honeysuckle. We would like to kill the bush honeysuckle and get native plants growing in its place.

We have thought if we could get a firebreak cut around it we could kill the existing honeysuckle and broadcast native grass seed. If the native grass will grow we could burn it to kill new honeysuckle from growing and taking over again.

We have looked at programs for it but have not found any that seem to match what we are trying to accomplish. If anyone knows of any please let me know. We are located in Indiana.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this plan or a better idea to get rid of the honeysuckle without spend to much money on it.
I would basal bark spray, then come in with a skid steer and push it into piles and burn it. You'll probably have to spot spray young plants the following summer.

As far as what to plant there, it depends on what you want the area to be in relation to the wildlife and the surrounding area.

I don't know about programs, but I do know that bush honeysuckle is difficult to eradicate. It took me about half a day to cut and spray 6 big mature bushes.
The fastest way would likely be to hire a skid steer with a forestry mulcher and your 3 acres would be cleared in a day or two. That would require follow up spraying to kill everything that sprouts and then you would be left with a blank slate.

The lowest cost option would be to cut the shrubs with a chain saw flush to the ground and then come back and spray the stumps. It will probably take you every minute of free time you have all year, but the out of pocket costs would be relatively low. I've expanded some food plots into areas that are filled with bush honeysuckle and buckthorn and the chain saw/spraying plan worked well for me.

On the flip side, some of those thick, nasty bush honeysuckle patches make great bedding areas. it is possible that your deer hunting gets worse after you eradicate that invasive plant if the deer are using that as a bedding area.
Hire a drone sprayer and spray with roundup in Dec. Follow up with another dose the following year. Mulcher would be another option if you want to do the follow up spraying yourself.
With mature BH it will be an uphill battle, going to have to spray starts every year for quite a while,,,the seed bank has to be loaded with them.
Personally I find basal bark spraying while standing to be most efficient in many cases. Hard to get at them if you cut and they resprout in every direction.
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Well I have tried to cut them, but I'm convinced it's a fool's errand. It's basal bark spraying for me from now on. The tangled jumble after cutting became an impenetrable mess.
Personally I find basal bark spraying while standing to be most efficient in many cases. Hard to get at them if you cut and they resprout in every direction.
I ran into this today in my front yard in a brushy patch that’s like a quarter acre…I cut some BH last year thinking it was small enough to not come back..was way wrong…not only had to recut into the stuff I already cut to spray it, but then had to also cut and remove the new sprouts..def PITA even for so small of an area…
Mulcher is the best option if the terrain will allow.
Have had luck using a battery pole saw to reach in there and cut the bush down and then you could apply herbicide. It will leave a big mess afterwards and you'll definitely have to foliar spray resprouts and new seedlings.
Triclopyr/Garlon 4 and diesel for the win or is there something that kills it better?
I just sprayed a bunch of gallery pear and bush honeysuckle with triclopyr and diesel. I'll let you know how it worked in May.
Triclopyr/Garlon 4 and diesel for the win or is there something that kills it better?
Never used that mix on BH, but that same mix is recommended for killing many varieties of plants, especially woody brush.
I have some Crossbow remaining for foliar, and bought 2gallons of Triclopyr4. for basal bark.....hoping this works.