Bug I.D.


5 year old buck +
Anybody know what these are, and what they become?


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But that's an ugly bunch.
They look taste if you freeze dry them and put some seasoning on them
I'll collect a bunch for you Snow Man, but I'm not brave enough to try them.
Dang those are ugly. There should be some kind of an app for this. I'm not a big smart phone user. But I'd love to be able to identify bugs I see in the field better than I can.
I guess I was just hungry last night before bed :emoji_fearful:
They would become organic fertilizer if saw them.
I've never seen a bug like that before. But they look like something a bluegill or trout would eat, so you should take them on a fishing trip.
My best guess after looking through a bunch of images is some type of beetle or firefly larvae.
I used part of your image for a google image search. Didn't come up with anything.

I think they are aliens.

Those are the larvae of a cross bewteen Sasquatch and a Chupacobra (the fertile offspring of a Chupacabra and a tick).
Better get some polonium and take care of them before they metamorphose and start to feed... You don't want that to happen!
The fine people in the USDA would probably have no idea how they got here either?
Thanks for all the wonderful help guys! Bueller actually did help as they are the larvae stage of Red Turnip Beetles.


I'm going to have to try and wipe them out now or I'll probably have to skip brassicas in the fall. If all of them I have make it to adults, none of my radishes or turnips would stand a chance.

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Thanks for all the wonderful help guys! Bueller actually did help as they are the larvae stage of Red Turnip Beetles.


I'm going to have to try and wipe them out now or I'll probably have to skip brassicas in the fall. If all of them I have make it to adults, none of my radishes or turnips would stand a chance.

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So your saying I was pretty much right?...
Pretty much.
Ya that's what I was thinking ..... the turnip beetle :emoji_fearful:
Maybe bueller is covering for the aliens, just trying to throw you off.

Trust but verify!

Your saying Bueller could be wrong for the first time in his life :emoji_astonished:
Thanks for all the wonderful help guys! Bueller actually did help as they are the larvae stage of Red Turnip Beetles.


I'm going to have to try and wipe them out now or I'll probably have to skip brassicas in the fall. If all of them I have make it to adults, none of my radishes or turnips would stand a chance.

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Out of curiosity, was the plot in brassicas the past fall? Also was it a crop cycle thing? Just wondering because on some of the other threads about brassicas no one had noticed any problems with disease or pests from back to back plantings.