Buck Video at 10 yards!

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Cool video Mo! Looks like you have a new hunting blind.
Kind of funny where at around the 2:00 min mark the buck says "Oh crap there is a house right there! I havent seen that before."
MO cool video.
What a deer! Those are some long brow tines, and the G2s are going to be very long if this guy sees the fall of 2015.
Very cool video. He has some great potential.
Great video and awesome potential in that deer.
You can hunt from your house in wi. Looks like those beans are taking a pounding.
wow, his body says he's young but that rack is beautiful. you're lucky to have a situation where you have other options. i'd blast that boy!!!!
Hell ya, and I believe it has to be over 500 feet from a residence you don't have permission to hunt. I believe you can hunt within 500 feet of another's house if you have permission.
How's those beets looking in there? When do your beans start turning yellow?
Not to take away from your deer, but I wonder what those beats would do in corn. I'd say broadcasting them right after the corn is sprayed, which is usually the end of Juneish in my parts.
I'm done with corn in my sand, it's just a lost cause with these yearly droughts it seems we get. I've always wanted to broadcast rye into corn at this time, that would be fool proof. Rye can handle some pretty heavy shade, and it doesn't seem to get as dark in corn as some nice beans.
On another note, I've seen some pretty impressive snap beans planted into glyphosate suppressed alfalfa.
Do you have a 3 pt spreader, with all the broadcasting you do? I'm in the market for the right one, just gotta get it at the right price.
Keep us updated on all your trials, this sort of stuff is cutting edge.
Mo- you might not want to believe it, but it really is. I spent time with a big soil scientist from North Dakota last week. She was over joyed to hear the stuff guys like you are doing. It might not appear to be happening but the federal government is attempting to prepare this nations soil for the drastic increase in food demand. We are going to have to find better ways to maintain our soil, or people will be starving 100 years from now. In fact, the stuff your doing is just starting to be researched.... right now. It doesn't get any more cutting edge.
People don't understand because most people are stupid! They really are...
Sell here and buy down there, you can have the same fun! Just sayin!

Did you get anything done at the property after you left here? Or did you get too much rain?
it was comical. spent 2 hours trying to get to my disc, had to cut through about 7-8 fallen trees, right before i got to the disc my atv died, then got poured on. lol. maybe next week. at least i have seed though.

if mo weren't so far away i would buy land down there. i'm sure of it. hoping to find some land in mn w/ decent deer numbers. not sure it even exists though.
Don't know how I missed this! Man that is a pretty, healthy, young buck!!! Thanks for posting!