Brown limbs


5 year old buck +
I have some pears and apples that the ends of some of the limbs are turning brown,maybe 6-8 inches.It doesn't look like the black of fire blight as they stayed brown.Other than that look healthy and are producing
If it looks like this Franklin Cider, it’s fireblight. In some cases you won’t necessarily see the blackness for a long, long time. So much for the test that S Brothers did…lol. Glad I only bought one.

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It must be.The ones I planted that weren't advertised as resistant before I knew to check would get the shepherds hook and turn black almost in a day but these may be turning brown because they aren't as effected
If it looks like this Franklin Cider, it’s fireblight. In some cases you won’t necessarily see the blackness for a long, long time. So much for the test that S Brothers did…lol. Glad I only bought one.

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Dang! I thought those were supposed to be great DR?

I put four of those in three years ago, mine aren't quite that big yet but have been great growers.
Dang! I thought those were supposed to be great DR?

I put four of those in three years ago, mine aren't quite that big yet but have been great growers.
Here is what I remember about the subject. Mayo never claimed it was FB resistant, because FB isn’t a problem where he lives. He said he didn’t know. However, S Bros came out later and said they had tested for FB and it was ok.

In your more northern location, you may never have any issues. I’ve said it before, but it takes super tough apples to do well in my location.