

Yearling... With promise
Does anyone here plant blueberries? We have quite a few wild ones on our property with the tiny little berries. I like the low shrubby cover and enjoy planting things that are good for wildlife as well as people. I'm hoping if I can get some other varieties going it will produce better yields for the native ones too. We saw similar results when we added a few cherry trees from Lowe's and found out there were actually a bunch in the area that just hadn't been producing fruit presumably from lack of cross polination.

I tried growing some highbush varieties from seed this year with no success. If anyone has experience or suggestions I'd appreciate the help.
For our personal consumption, yes. For wildlife use, no. If you already have wild blueberry plants on your property I would just let them keep reproducing. Other than birds and small mammals like possums and coons probably not a lot of deer utilizing blueberries.
I have some blueberry bushes in Ontario, and we have tons of wild blueberries in Norway. They like very acidic soil. Red deer eat the leaves, but I don't know about whitetails.