Big 8’s

I'd shoot that one! He looks mature.

5 1/2 and I will be on stand tomorrow afternoon overlooking a corn plot. Just need him to show up within shoot light.

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We only hunted 1.5 days on opening weekend of rifle. I killed a 6 point basket-rack buck to get some meat.....and my grandson killed a ten point buck. We saw a number of small bucks and does .....but had little time to hunt as most of my family had to go back home to work (and they all had wives with them for this trip). Some will hunt a bit more in the weeks to come. My wife and I had to return to AZ as she needs radiation treatment for breast cancer (started today).

My goal was to get at least two decent deer for steaks and sausage.....and we accomplished that. My son in law will hunt some more.....but my property will not be hunted much this season. We still have some good deer using the I hope some are available for next year.
Fog. So sorry about your wife. Prayers sent
Been monitoring my cuddelink game cameras from my place here in AZ. I got 6 working cameras. I do not have a single picture of a buck doe or fawn IN DAYLIGHT hours since the opening weekend. Plenty of nighttime activity. How you gonna chute 'em if they dont come around during chutin hours? Mind blowing!