Best way to deal with tent catapillers?


I have an apple tree (not sure of the type) that has had an issue with bag worms for the second year now. Last year I simply cut the limb and moved one. This year they attacked the top of the central leader - now what?
If they are low enough to reach I just hit them with bug spray
Last year I had some way up in a favorite persimmon. I got a can of wasp and hornet spray with good propellant and was able to spray way up to where they were.
Sorry - not bag worms - tent catapillers! The damn things got into the central leader of one of my apple trees!
Sorry - not bag worms - tent catapillers! The damn things got into the central leader of one of my apple trees!
Hit them in the morning. Use a stick to poke open the tent and hit them with bee spray.
I use Malathion. You can buy it concentrated or diluted at Home Depot. Find their tent early in the spring and in the morning. Saturate the tent with the malathion spray and that will take care of them. Be aware that they lay eggs sacks on the tree branches. You'll want to look for those when the leaves are gone in the fall. The are 1-1.5" crystallized oblong casings that surround a branch. Spray those too and then watch for any tent activity in the spring.