Best food plot for the south

zone 7a Central VA. Notice the location on my profile summary to the left of my posts. I'd suggest everyone place their USDA zone and general location in their profile. It is much easier to answer questions when you know the location. So much seem regional and local.


zone 7a Central VA. Notice the location on my profile summary to the left of my posts. I'd suggest everyone place their USDA zone and general location in their profile. It is much easier to answer questions when you know the location. So much seem regional and local.


Great idea
Plotspike Clover Blend I hear is good seed blend, especially for southern plots. Chicory and clover are two key ingredients. Hear it tolerates our late summer hot weather and drought. I found these pages helpful. and
Thanks for th info I will defiantly look into it
Plotspike Clover Blend I hear is good seed blend, especially for southern plots. Chicory and clover are two key ingredients. Hear it tolerates our late summer hot weather and drought. I found these pages helpful. and

Any site that recommends planting ryegrass as a nurse crop really goes against my experience.


I would second most everything Jack has already said. I will add that I have been following the LickCreek rotation pretty closely for the last 5 years with very good success in Zone 8A. I use Crimson and Arrowleaf clover with the cereal grain mix and where I want to establish a clover plot I mix Durana and Patriot in place of the Crimson and Arrowleaf portion of the cereal grain mix.