

5 year old buck +
I love to see bears now. When they start destroying my trees, prolly not so much. Just pulled the SD card. Here's who ate my bird seed.

Glad you like them... I wish they had never moved into NE Oklahoma. Overgrown raccoons is all they are :(
^ Hard to tell much about the size from a pic like that SD......but judging from the small ears and thick neck that could be a good bear by fall.
One guy in our group got a bear tag. I hope he can harvest the bear as well. Trouble is, I believe I have more bears than this. My brother has a cam about a 100 yards away, and he picked up video of a sow and her two cubs from a couple weeks ago. The other explanation could be that this is the sow and her cubs weren't with her this time. But this bear sat on my bird seed pile for an hour and set off the camera about 60 times. No cubs to be found in this series.
You have better bear country up there than in my parts of 172.

We used to bear hunt NE of Remer.

I hit a bear with my púp just west of Remer. That makes a thud as compared to a deer.
I used to want bears in Mo. Boy have you guys changed my mind!
Glad you like them... I wish they had never moved into NE Oklahoma. Overgrown raccoons is all they are :(

thats what i always called them...overgrown coons! I don't mind them so much out in the big woods...but the town bears are such a pain in the @ss. We have so many around here....the PGC trapped 4 bears out our dumpster at work last 5 days.
i despise bears. this time of year i just about get as many bear pictures as i do deer. they are everywhere on my property. wish there was an easy way to get rid of them.
Phil-sidehill -- My camp is in N.C. Pa. not far from your loc. Anytime we plant corn for deer & turkeys bears get in it & flatten it, especially when it's " in the
milk ". We have to individually fence each apple tree w / concrete mesh and stake it hard to keep the damage to the lowest, outermost limbs. What a pain. Bear season - can't find 'em.
Phil-sidehill -- My camp is in N.C. Pa. not far from your loc. Anytime we plant corn for deer & turkeys bears get in it & flatten it, especially when it's " in the
milk ". We have to individually fence each apple tree w / concrete mesh and stake it hard to keep the damage to the lowest, outermost limbs. What a pain. Bear season - can't find 'em.
thats cool...what county?

When i used to live on my cousin's farm the bears would flatten acreage of corn.....he HATES them.

I had a bear in my yard saturday night....after it had been hit and killed by a truck on the road. Last year's cub, a boar, about 40-50lbs. PGC is picking up the carcass today.
Lyc. County. You're an hour away, tops. I have friends that have a cabin in Laporte.
Lyc. County. You're an hour away, tops. I have friends that have a cabin in Laporte.

My parents live in Laporte now. I grew up in Clinton County. I live in Mildred now. Small world.
Phil-sidehill -- Where at in Clinton? My camp is in the Pine Creek drainage area up on top of one of the mountains. Clinton Co. line not far away.
Phil-sidehill -- Where at in Clinton? My camp is in the Pine Creek drainage area up on top of one of the mountains. Clinton Co. line not far away.

i grew up in Woolrich. when i was a kid I used to hunt out of a camp on the Carrier Road, down Dark Hollow. To the east side of Pine Creek, above Farrandsville/Lock Haven. A friend of mine's father has a camp on 664/Coudersport Pike.
Phil-sidehill -- Yep, it's a small world. Good luck with your deer over there this year. Wasn't so long ago that bucks like you have in your pix would've been unheard of in Sully. I guess antler restrictions & more " let 'em grow " guys are paying off. Used to be spikes & forkies were the norm. A small 6 was wall material. Better days now. Keep us posted.
Phil-sidehill -- Yep, it's a small world. Good luck with your deer over there this year. Wasn't so long ago that bucks like you have in your pix would've been unheard of in Sully. I guess antler restrictions & more " let 'em grow " guys are paying off. Used to be spikes & forkies were the norm. A small 6 was wall material. Better days now. Keep us posted.
we are fortunate to have some real monsters show up every year....mostly private land, and in the agricultural areas. the big woods and mtns of SGL 13 and Loyalsock State Forest do produce some slammers as well...but they are the exception. Growing up and hunting up on the carrier road i remember my buddy's dad killed a small 12" wide basket racked 8 pt and it was the biggest buck ever killed at that camp! saw my share of spikes and forks hanging from the meat pole at camp...thats really all that was available in the area any way. The whole carrier road was driven off by camps with 25 man rosters for the first week of rifle season back then!