Bean cam

Great - looking buck - its pretty cool him finding an apple and posing - - Yep - me too with beans - my workhorse -I use round up ready -for long plots I plant 30" rows and do my best to split the rows on the second pass. For blocks I plant 30" rows then do a checkerboard - it does well and is easier than splitting the rows. My beans are roundup ready - if I time it right - I do one spraying - but sometimes I have to do two spray applications if canopy is not coming along - or if browsing is too much -

My beans hold up for a long time - then in Mid Aug -they start to hammered. Enough pods make it for the late season still. 1-2 acres wouldn't cut it - I plant at least 6 acres in strips and blocks and rotate them year to year with clover and turnips -and corn. Beans are my main draw.



right about the time they canopoy - they become the number one food source -

see how browsed - this is a typical august evening -



some fields do better than oithers - i've learned that corn corners and strips will hinder general deer browsing of soybeans - when others are available. The deer do not like to have their wind wrong and their vision blocked. Eventually they will eat it all - but this NE corner plot for example looks hardly browsed and its hip high -


the main open strips and blocks are generall only ankle to knee high when they start to yellow - but a lot of pods have formed and continue to develop -
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Pretty neat that you planted your beans in both directions with your planter. Twice as many beans, means you may have some left over late season. Good Job!
I haven't had a problem with them getting pods, tons of them on there right now. I'll try to get a close up tonight now that they are drying down.

Here is pic of what the beans look like now, plenty of pods
When do you northern MN guys start seeing the deer come back to the beans? Are they in there by the time the rifle season is on or is it later?
When do you northern MN guys start seeing the deer come back to the beans? Are they in there by the time the rifle season is on or is it later?
No much earlier than that. This year they will be in the beans by October first, but it's usually mid October I think. Everything seems way ahead of schedule this year. Most years they are just starting to yellow by now.