Basal Spraying Locust Trees...kill 'em all

I was going to try pasture guard HL and diesel but don’t like spraying diesel everywhere. If the Pathfinder arrives this week I have the perfect grove of 8 ft tall locusts to try it on.

I’d save the pasturegard for killing sericea lespedeza.

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That’s why I have it. I can get it cheap from the Noxious weed department.
That’s why I have it. I can get it cheap from the Noxious weed department.

How much per gallon?

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You can get triclopyr 4 (ester) online for around $80-$100/gallon and it’s about 5-6x the concentration. You can apply it in basal oil as a 10% solution instead of 50%. I’m a bargain hunting cheapskate when it comes to herbicides lol.

Edit: I just found it for $60 + shipping.

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So it’s really killing the crap out of them it appears. I did a couple larger trees I can see from the house. They are yellowing up good, but the smaller ones have brown leaves.
This is one of the thickets I'm continuously attacking. The tallest tree in the middle is the "mother" tree. She makes seeds and a lot (if not all) of the trees surrounding her have popped up from her roots. The mother tree is usually big enough that I have to girdle her before spraying, the rest get a basal spray. My goal in attacking these thickets is to kill the root system in one fatal sweep. I obviously missed a couple as there is still some green in there but isn't that yellow a beautiful color? I call it "death yellow".
I've had the best luck with Garlon 4 and diesel mixed and basal sprayed on 6" and under and hack & squirt on any bigger. If you do it in the fall they translocate that back to the mother tree and you get a good kill on the whole patch because they are all attached in most cases. Fall seems to be the best time but tough to do that during hunting season because it stinks.
Cap'n, on the hack and squirt of larger locust trees, is that a good technique all winter? I'd like to get to work now on some bigger locust.

That's dirt cheap for Pastureguard! I've had decent luck on honey locust without any diesel, but mostly use it on hedge and sericia.
Cap'n, on the hack and squirt of larger locust trees, is that a good technique all winter? I'd like to get to work now on some bigger locust.

Hack and squirt is good until the sap starts flowing. In TN, I quit by mid February but start again once leaves are fully expanded.

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I generally only basal spray the 4" and under stuff or hack and squirt larger during February - April as that is when I have time. It seems to work for me.
Bumping this up. Any fresh black locust eradication stories?

I have an acre or 2 of a hardwood planting that has been overtaken with locusts. The good news is the oaks are mostly still alive but certainly not thriving the way their peers outside the locusts are. As such, I want to take care not to do harm to the oaks, if I can. The locusts absolutely must be dealt with, though.

Is there a difference between Remedy and Garlon 4? Is there particular concern for the oaks within the locusts that I should have? I do not intend to basal spay any locusts near oak trees to be careful — should this be safe?

For Foliar applications I use.
16oz Milestone 100 gallons water 1 quart of surfactant.

Hack and Squirt (may work as Basal spray on small trees)
10% Milestone in water

Basal spray
5% milestone mixed with Helena Chemical surfactant Dyne-Amic(this is very effective but cost prohibitive)

I have not played with it yet but I would say a mix of 10% Milestone with 1 quart of Dyna-Amic surfactant and 3 quarts water would be a very effective basal spray.

I spray honey locust as a second job it feels like. The foiler spray on anything 12’ or shorter is death 100% coverage on there leaves will kill it. I use the 10% and water for most other locust control. Bigger trees get hack and squirted. I’ve used 20-25% Remedy Ultra and diesel as a basal spray and it kills some of them not all of them I don’t have time to retreat the 25% that live so I no longer waste time using it.

I just purchased next years chemicals for tree and brush control that check was for $2500 I spray more in one year than most people will spray in a lifetime.
Interesting. We have black locust but it has not been a nuisance. I don't think so. I never thought of them as a plague. A black locust tree is better than no tree. With all our ash dying there Not yet anyhow. It is a pioneer tree, improves soil and fixes nitrogen, makes good posts, deck lumber, bows and firewood. If I had too many or it is in the way it seems like it is too close to something I planted I could just cut them down. For them to get ahead of other growth seems like it means the soil isn't ready for other growth? Just a thought. I have a bunch growing where an old farm house, barn and out buildings were torn down. The pasture soil was abused. A bunch of locust tree are growing there. At another spot I am letting brush grow for deer bedding and blocking line of site to a neighbor who loves his dusk to dawn light. There are a couple locusts in there leading the way but the cherries out number them by 1000-1! I have more of a problem with black walnut. Black walnut ruins soil for a lot of other plants.
Interesting. We have black locust but it has not been a nuisance. I don't think so. I never thought of them as a plague. A black locust tree is better than no tree. With all our ash dying there Not yet anyhow. It is a pioneer tree, improves soil and fixes nitrogen, makes good posts, deck lumber, bows and firewood. If I had too many or it is in the way it seems like it is too close to something I planted I could just cut them down. For them to get ahead of other growth seems like it means the soil isn't ready for other growth? Just a thought. I have a bunch growing where an old farm house, barn and out buildings were torn down. The pasture soil was abused. A bunch of locust tree are growing there. At another spot I am letting brush grow for deer bedding and blocking line of site to a neighbor who loves his dusk to dawn light. There are a couple locusts in there leading the way but the cherries out number them by 1000-1! I have more of a problem with black walnut. Black walnut ruins soil for a lot of other plants.
I know in my area, honey locust are the problem - not black locust
I also don’t have any issue with black locust the new farm has some of them no plan’s to do them harm.