Interesting. We have black locust but it has not been a nuisance. I don't think so. I never thought of them as a plague. A black locust tree is better than no tree. With all our ash dying there Not yet anyhow. It is a pioneer tree, improves soil and fixes nitrogen, makes good posts, deck lumber, bows and firewood. If I had too many or it is in the way it seems like it is too close to something I planted I could just cut them down. For them to get ahead of other growth seems like it means the soil isn't ready for other growth? Just a thought. I have a bunch growing where an old farm house, barn and out buildings were torn down. The pasture soil was abused. A bunch of locust tree are growing there. At another spot I am letting brush grow for deer bedding and blocking line of site to a neighbor who loves his dusk to dawn light. There are a couple locusts in there leading the way but the cherries out number them by 1000-1! I have more of a problem with black walnut. Black walnut ruins soil for a lot of other plants.