Apple trees are planted


5 year old buck +
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg We had a beautiful day Friday and got our 13 apple trees planted. Saturday was not so nice and with tired help I caged and staked them by myself. I went with 6' welded wire. I learned on the trees I planted last year any branches below 4' get broke off by the snow pack. I have a plan to build 8' by 8' barb wire cages on 8' rebar once they grow above these cages. It was a great weekend despite the weather. We also got our first peek of green in the clover plot. We saw about 10 different deer with one group of 5 that was around all weekend. 3 fawns which was great to see after this winter. They had a little spunk in them, galloping like a horse in the field every time we came by. I don't think the turkeys did as good, we didn't hear one gobble all weekend. Our resident hen that nest behind camp every year did show at the bird feeder last night. Trying to post the pics but they won't work
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I could only get three to crop down to fit. I must be dong something wrong.
Cute young lady, chummer and good job on the apples.

My apples are pretty much all in.

I have not heard a gobbler on the farm the last two years. that's OK by me, but I did see a hen.

I also saw a hen pheasant today and have heard a rooster.
Cute young lady, chummer and good job on the apples.

My apples are pretty much all in.

I have not heard a gobbler on the farm the last two years. that's OK by me, but I did see a hen.

I also saw a hen pheasant today and have heard a rooster.
She is my little helper when I can pry her away from nana and papa. We had a boat load of turkeys last year but between the bob cats, coyotes, rainy cold spring, and a horrible winter it looks looks like they took a big hit. We raised pheasants when I was a kid, I miss hearing hearing their cackle. We always released a bunch and had some breed the wild but I have not seen or heard one in 15 years.
Looks good Chummer!
Yes, looks very good. Enjoy!
Awesome trees and what a sweet young helper. Obviously she has your wife's looks lol
Apple trees look good Chummer. Any help I get has facial stubble and requires breaks for amber-colored liquids! What kinds of apples did you plant? I just planted Liberty, Enterprise, Goldrush, Prairie Spy, Wolf River, N.Y. 35 Bonkers, and Chestnut, Whitney, Hyslop, Trailman crabs. Wish you luck with your plantings.
Apple trees look good Chummer. Any help I get has facial stubble and requires breaks for amber-colored liquids! What kinds of apples did you plant? I just planted Liberty, Enterprise, Goldrush, Prairie Spy, Wolf River, N.Y. 35 Bonkers, and Chestnut, Whitney, Hyslop, Trailman crabs. Wish you luck with your plantings.
My stubble friends only show up in November. I planted 2 frostbite 4 Kerr crabs 4 NY 35 Bonkers and 3 wolf river. All but the Wolf river were over 5' tall with huge roots.
I'm interested in the Kerr crabs, too. I was gonna get a couple of those for this spring but opted for Hyslop instead. I'll order some Kerr for next spring - along with some other apples & crabs! Anyone know when Kerr ripens/drops at the border of zones 5 & 6 ?
Thanks, NH Mtns. I've had a tough time trying to get info on Kerr as far as ripening time. Lots of pictures out there but not enough specifics for us wildlife growers. Wickson is a probable one for me.
i planted my 10 trees this weekend. a late friday afternoon call form the nursery said they were ready for pickup so i had them by 8:30 saturday morning. by 2:30 in the afternoon, all 10 were in the ground and the cages were being made. 2 early gold pear, 2 freedom, 2 zestar, 3 liberty, 1 sweet 16. i finished up with the cages/screen/felt/rocks by 5:30 and still managed to get some fishing in.
For most of us who have our fruit trees planted, it looks like we won't have to water for at least 10 days - maybe more. Don't know about some states but here in the Northeast, we got between 2 and 5 inches of rain in the last 24-36 hrs. THAT ought to hold the trees for a while!!!
For most of us who have our fruit trees planted, it looks like we won't have to water for at least 10 days - maybe more. Don't know about some states but here in the Northeast, we got between 2 and 5 inches of rain in the last 24-36 hrs. THAT ought to hold the trees for a while!!!
Good start. I still have a lot of shrubs and plums to plant but it is nice to not have to worry about the expensive ones. Last year I never had to water after planting. We didn't go 5 days without rain all summer. I had to make a couple payments on Foggy's house in Arizona but it was worth it.