Anyone in WI or the UP looking for big equipment...


5 year old buck +
check this out, it is near Wausau, WI. I thought I would post it, as it seems that many guys are looking for iron and it is a good place to look.

A few guys from where I work go up to this auction every spring and to the fall one as well. I know quite a few guys that pick up skid loaders and other equipment every year at this auction.

All I ask is that if you go and get anything, you post pics here!
check this out, it is near Wausau, WI. I thought I would post it, as it seems that many guys are looking for iron and it is a good place to look.

A few guys from where I work go up to this auction every spring and to the fall one as well. I know quite a few guys that pick up skid loaders and other equipment every year at this auction.

All I ask is that if you go and get anything, you post pics here!
A lot of stuff going high yesterday
Yeah, I think it is becoming more widely known and more and more people are attending, so it is getting harder and harder to get a decent deal on anything now. 4 or 5 years ago it was a great place to pick up equipment. Probably the only way to get a great deal now is to pray for a torrential downpour the whole day and then have the testicular fortitude to stick it out yourself.

The other thing that kills all auctions now is the online proxy bidding, half the items go high to poeple who are sitting in their living rooms in their pajamas. It is those type of bidders that I hope get stuck with crap items every time, serves them right for not actually attend the auction and looking the item over.
5 years ago the economy was in the toilet and no one had money to bid up with.

Now that auctioneers are getting greedy with 15% premiums, things are cooling down in some of the ones I watch, but it's still hard to find a bargain.
Jim they had around 20 of your grabble attachments. They are probably on the docket as we speak.
Were they Woods, or were they some chinese contraption?

There's a lot of junk grapples on craigslist for around $1800 and up. "Band new" and utter garbage.