Anyone getting photos of velvet bucks yet?

On the heels of a month of constant rain, my fallow fields look like a jungle... but the deer don't seem to mind.

Nothing too crazy, and don't think any are especially old. Glad to see a few racks with decent brows... had a few bucks in the past with nice ones, but the past few years even the older bucks with nice mass and decent outer tines were really lacking when it came to brow tines.

Still waiting for the day one hits the trifecta... nice brows, wide, AND tall outer tines as well.

Bone 1.jpg
Bone 2.jpg
Bone 3.jpg
Bone 4.jpg
A phil - Interesting camera setup.. on the ground?
Fun to watch them grow, this is the first year I've really had cameras up this early.

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Maybe chance at 160? They usually shrink when the velvet sheds! Shooter Mcgavin for sure.
Maybe chance at 160? They usually shrink when the velvet sheds! Shooter Mcgavin for sure.
Yeah I was mid 150’s to 160 in my head. Just curious. Regardless I would love a crack. Cool thing is I don’t have a clue who he is and I’m going on 3 years of running cameras.