I'll explore tonight when more timeCan you right click and open with paint? Resize pic in paint?
Definitely same. Could 10 you are talking about be the first one posted on pg 5?. They tend to blur after enough yearsI recall that G2. This is the same buck right? I was also remembering a different taller tined 10 that you found both sides from IIRC.
View attachment 36443
Yep, but its on a Browning camera and when I try to upload says ' file to large'? Several pics I could post if someone can teach me how to resize.
Yep, but its on a Browning camera and when I try to upload says ' file to large'? Several pics I could post if someone can teach me how to resize.
Quite the bachelor group. Really good sign for all of you guys that are getting so many mature/semi-mature bucks traveling together.
Think my days of posting to the velvet buck thread are closing.
I was going to ask if anyone was seeing hard horned yet. Saw a random pic of a PA buck that was hard horned already.Think my days of posting to the velvet buck thread are closing.
View attachment 36632View attachment 36633View attachment 36634