Anyone collect old remington 510's. .22 LR


So I have this 1939 Remington Model 510 Target Master with an odd smooth bore. Made to shoot .22 bird shot, no rifling.
But plate is chipped, the bead at the end of the barrel is not original and some kid used it hard. But I think the smooth bore makes it odd.

Anyone know the value?
I grew up on a Targetmaster. My absolute favorite gun of all time!!! No clue about the value of your smoothbore though.
I grew up on a Targetmaster. My absolute favorite gun of all time!!! No clue about the value of your smoothbore though.
I can't even begin to count the rounds I put through a 510 when I worked summers on the rifle range at scout camp. Accurate little guns.
and we use the smooth bores to shoot carpenter bees on the range.
I tried looking on gun broker for you but didn't see much. There were only two, and they had rifled barrels.