Anybody build there own walk in cooler?

Turkey Creek

5 year old buck +
I would like to build a small walk in cooler, maybe 6' x 6' x 6'. Anybody ever built one? Hate to fork over the money for a cooling unit. Saw talk on the internet about using a window AC, some say it works some claim BS. Thanks
I looked at commercial one's ~$3-4k, thought they were too expensive. Then you need to think what you are storing ....

A refrigerator with organic meat products :eek: ... we deal I in the food industry ... you have no idea the focus of reliable temp control and ability to maintain and provide sanitary storage & cleanable environment. The USDA has very important standards for food safety where meat/poultry products are involved.

An old walk in beer cooler with an air conditioning unit ... a perfect bacteria petri dish ...
It wont be for storing food, just keeping nursery stock dormant for a month or so each spring.
I have not made one yet but plan to eventually. Building the framework seems simple enough (lumber, insulation and OSB/plywood). It seems the best way to cool is to use an AC unit with a regulator like CoolBot. Normal AC units do not have settings that go low enough (ie shut off after 55 deg).
It wont be for storing food, just keeping nursery stock dormant for a month or so each spring.

Never mind ... :)

Sounds like a good idea. I think it has been discussed that you need to keep stock just above freezing.
The main thing is getting it sealed up. A simple poly film barrier will stop a lot of convection dead in its tracks. From there you need to account for conduction, and that's what insulation is for.

Since it's not food grade, you should be able to bang one out pretty easily with regular hardware store materials. Maybe invest in the foil backed foam and then use metal foil duct tape (the real duct tape) to seal the seams? I don't know what the weather exposure rating is on that stuff. Depending how permanent you want to make this thing, you could wrap it in pole barn tin for a hundred bucks or so.
We built one out of panels that a friend had left after he built one. The panels are pre-fab- foam core insulation with aluminum (I think?) on the outside. They hook together, we built anchors on the floor and ceiling, and turned one panel into a door. Here's what we found: a window AC unit WILL NOT work. I read about the Coolbot, but we haven't tried it yet. The project got shoved to the back burner, but I think we will probably try to find a surplus condenser rather than screw with a Coolbot.
I ordered a Coolbot yesterday. Found enough independent sources to make me believe that it does work for the right situations. Hope I am not wrong!
Depending on how big you need, you might pick up a large chest freezer on craigslist and a controller like this:
Plenty of instructions available online from people that have converted freezers like this for homebrewing or dispensing beer. Extensions to make the freezer talller are easy to do.
Well I ended up building a 6' tall by 4' x 3' walk in cooler. Pretty much a temporary structure until I could determine how well the window AC and Coolbot system was going to work. So far its working as advertised have it set at 40 degrees. I will give my final stamp of approval after a longer run.

Have you had a chance to use this anymore? I suppose we may have to wait until you get something to put in the cooler.

Have you had a chance to use this anymore? I suppose we may have to wait until you get something to put in the cooler.

I used it for about a month this spring holding nursery stock. Hoping to revamp the walls a bit before rifle deer season in November.
Great, let us know. That is the route I want to go but the project is buried far down on my to do list.
Coolers tend to show up on auction around here a few times a year. I haven't seen what they end up selling for.