Another one of Bills deer



He seems to have everything else in Missouri, I figured this must be one of his too!

Sent from my 8g phone.
That's pretty cool.
But no sandy beaches with salt water in MO. :)
You know some don't like habitat consultants. :).
But this is a prime example of something I learned from the most dreaded one of all.

Deer like to "play". Reda$$. Whatever you want to call it. And he swore they loved to play in water. I never gave that much more thought after it rolled off his lips until watching that video.

I also saw a video of a deer playing with a ball. May have been posted here?
I need a playground.
Maybe you are thinking of this one from facebook?

Poor little fella can't figure out exactly how to do it, but fun to watch none the less!

Both cool video's.