And…aren’t they largely tax exempt? I looked up this group by me and they are allowed to have electricity. I’m like at what point are you just a group of guys with weird beards and women with ugly dresses running a scam under the guise of a religion?
I'm a generation removed from it and hunt almost exclusively with Amish. In NO WAY are they tax exempt. That's a farce.
I speak the language fluently, and was raised in a Mennonite church.
I'll tell you that the guys I hunt with are better deer and land managers than I am. Passing on 150"+ deer becuase he's only 3. But there are some bad ones who give all of them a bad name.
It's confusing and nuanced in what they believe and why the believe it. There is a lot of works based things going on, a lot of parallels to Catholicism and their works based beliefs. But there are good ones, and bad ones. Just like methodists, Presbyterians, etc.
Their belief system revolves around what their leadership/bishop say is ok. And they generally blindly follow it, which is not how Christian faith is supposed to be.
Cars- wrong
Tractors with camping chairs and utility trailers- ok
E-Bikes- OK
flip phones- OK
Smart Phones- Not Ok unless its work related
Amazon boxes on the doorstep- ok
It's a series of rules. Has some cultish elements, yet their sense of family and community is something we could all learn something from.
They make darn good hunting blinds too.