I have pockets of it scattered all around my property. I have gone in and cut pathways thru them. It worked well to get the deer filtering to a certain spot. They will really favor the cut trails. They have to be opened back up every year. I have far more rubs in the tag alders than anywhere else on the property. I think the bucks make them their core areas because it is so thick. My forester said he could get me a grant to have a forestry mulcher come in and cut the mature alders down so they regrow. It would benefit the grouse and woodcock which like the younger alders. The tag alder will mature just like trees in a forester. The younger tags are a lot more beneficial to wildlife. If you cut them, they will regrow fast.( 5-10 ft in 2 years). I would try clear cutting a few areas to open it, make it more diverse. Maybe plant some dogwood or willows in there. I think the deer would prefer that rather than just a monoculture of mature alders.