A well trained militia.


5 year old buck +
So....I was reading on the web about some efforts to form a well trained militia......and I too think it about high-time to consider such a thing. I am seeing many police departments fold due to lack of funding, etc. We used to have a thing called the auxiliary police back in the day.....not sure that is a thing anymore. The 2nd amendment reads a trained militia......and I am not certain whom would be able to form such a group. I offer this in an effort to find an answer to this question.

The below was a response I made on Fox News regarding this question. What say you?

I agree that a well trained militia could be a good community asset in light of less police protection, defunding the police movements, police budget constraints, and some leaders in government not willing to use the current police to put down events (such as allowing the BLM protesters and looters to burn down the police 3rd precinct in Minneapolis, while making the police "stand down" to such lawlessness - shameful event). But....who is eligible to legally assemble and lead a legal citizens militia? Many of us have served in the military or are retired police, etc......but who and what is needed to organize a LEGAL militia? I dunno...but the time seems near. Maybe the NRA can answer this?
Not sure if this helps Foggy...Screenshot_20231012-050551.png
Mo has a state citizens militia...don't know about others.
I personally feel the best solution is to make sure YOU are equipped and well practiced with the tools needed to defend your family, and help people in your community that are like minded become equally prepared. In the event that you need to come together you can. With that said I don't know legalities and can't speak to them. A few years ago (after some shootings made the news) I had a few discussions with people at our church. The result are that I'm VERY comfortable at church with the people I'm around and how I think they would handle certain situations. Curious as to where this thread goes!
I'm pretty sure being in the militia is a requirement of male adults in parts of Idaho.
The government has lots of people in the field helping concerned citizens form militias. It's a civil enrichment program called Operation Northwoods.
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There was a group in your area doing such a thing, at least to a degree, a few years ago. The FBI checked them out. Didn't seem to have any problem with them since their intentions were to be a defensive force. Not sure what they're up to these days.
I would not trust anything the government is involved with personally. My thinking would be that the government would then know exactly who the people are that they need to arrest or remove to carry out any type of action in that area without interference. jmho
Foggy will be installing a HAM radio tower at the Deertopia proving grounds next.

All kidding aside I would stock up on 22lr and any other ammo you guys need we are now facing two hot wars so ammo may become difficult to get your hands on here shortly and if this shit touches off WWIII well then ammo will become impossible to get at least for a time.
Wisconsin has over 700,000 deer hunters go to the woods with a gun on opening day. Not the best aimers, but there is something to be said about overwhelming force 😉
The definition in post two calls for "able bodied men of qualified age" to form a militia. It's the "able bodied" part that would exclude me. I'm too old to fight and too age qualified to run.

Ammo seems relatively plentiful currently......I agree that to load up on certain rounds would make sense. I don't think you could own too much 223, 9mm, 12 gauge buckshot / slugs / birdshot, 38/357, and 22 ammo. <--those are the rounds I chose to accumulate as they are relatively cheap and effective for their purposes. I loaded up on enough (?) of these long ago, and give my family some each year too.

As the Boy Scouts motto goes: Be Prepared.
Being a member of our volunteer fire department, I feel that I am part of one already. However, I did have someone approach me about something similar. I told them I am already a part of something, it is called (insert town name). Our towns of less than 1,000 people are already close knit and organized.
There is one (or more) in Texas at this time, I know a guy who participates. They do some sort of training, I don’t know to what degree because I haven’t asked him about it. I imagine the feds are up their asses bigtime, probably have some people embedded, they suspect all of these type organizations. Personally, I’m not a joiner, and I wouldn’t trust them to act in the interest of the community as a whole. I’m kinda like Foggy, physically about all I can do is guard my front gate, but I can still do that. 😁
Wisconsin has over 700,000 deer hunters go to the woods with a gun on opening day. Not the best aimers, but there is something to be said about overwhelming force 😉
Aim small, miss small.