A warm welcome to my newest trail cam visitors in OTC. Welcome to the wolves.

Wolf or yote it sucks either way.
After looking at the pics more, I definitely questioned the initial thought on wolves. Good points brought up. A few of them seemed excessively big so it really had my head scratching going on. I sent the pics to the International Wolf Center and here is the response.

"Dear Mark,

From what I'm seeing, they look like very healthy, large coyotes. The pointed muzzle and extra-large ears helped to clarify this on a few of the photos. They do look larger than usual, probably have a good source of food nearby, perhaps feeding off of some baits or they might just be very efficient at hunting. "

Boy did he nail it on the efficient hunters part...... After deer season its full blown coyote killing time. I have permission to hunt well over 1000 acres of land for coyotes when deer season is done. Anyone want to kill coyotes? I want these things gone.
I asked about the black coyotes and here was his response to that:

Black phases are pretty rare in coyotes. I am not sure of the genetics for the pelage expression in coyotes, but if it's the same as it is with wolves, the black pelage is a recessive trait, and so it's very unlikely to get the perfect genetics breeding together to produce a black pelage pup. "
I asked about the black coyotes and here was his response to that:

Black phases are pretty rare in coyotes. I am not sure of the genetics for the pelage expression in coyotes, but if it's the same as it is with wolves, the black pelage is a recessive trait, and so it's very unlikely to get the perfect genetics breeding together to produce a black pelage pup. "

I shot a black color coyote this spring. In my area I have seen less coyotes in the last couple years than before. I understand there is a large group running dogs that works my area.
That black one you got was damm neat looking. Especially laying there dead.
I think they are a cool critter...................when they're tanned and hanging in my huntin' shack.:)