A handful of apple trees for sale

Turkey Creek

5 year old buck +
John or another admn feel free to delete this post if you deem it inappropriate. We really dont have a for sale catergory that fits.

I have a few apple trees left from last year. They are @1/2"-5/8" caliper whips, headed back to @40". Following on B118 rootstock; Kinnairds Choice, Nova Spy, Spartan, Keener Seedling, Hewes Crabapple, Stayman/Virginia Winesap. Following on M106; Kinnairds Choice, Tollman Sweet, Nova Spy, Keener Seedling, Spartan. The weather is warm here and trees are starting to break bud. If you are interested send me a PM ASAP! Trees will need to be shipped very soon, unless I get my cold room up and running tomorrow.

How much for the B-118 stuff ?? While I have you - do you graft pretty much the same varieties each year ??
I am asking $15 per tree plus the shipping. I will be growing many of the same varieties this year, but adding a few new ones and not growing some that I have.
TC - Are you gonna have Nova Spy and Spartan for next year ?? ( on B-118 or MM-111 ?? ) I'll need to prep a couple spots to plant them - I'm all used up for this year.
im new to the apple trees, which ones are disease resistant and hang into oct /nov
TC - Are you gonna have Nova Spy and Spartan for next year ?? ( on B-118 or MM-111 ?? ) I'll need to prep a couple spots to plant them - I'm all used up for this year.

Yes on both.
Enterprise, Goldrush, Arkansas Black, Freedom, are some of the later-hanging apples. Liberty ripens a little earlier than Enterprise and Goldrush, but is one of the top 3 or 4 apples recommended for wildlife planting. All of these are very good ones to plant for disease resistance and for deer. Good to eat too.
We'll keep in touch for those TC.
im new to the apple trees, which ones are disease resistant and hang into oct /nov

What is your growing zone? They all have some varying degrees of disease resistance. There are other varieties though that have more broad disease resistance than those few I have listed.
im new to the apple trees, which ones are disease resistant and hang into oct /nov
Yates may be another one you may wanna look into for a late hanging deer Apple depending on your location
I'll make room Stu. I just have to mow down some weedy areas and spray a couple shots with gly to work them up, lime & prep. I'm already planning the list for this coming fall's orders !!!;) Some of the doubters at camp are seeing how well the apples & crabs are growing and now ........... " We've seen the light !! Are WE planting more ?? " :rolleyes: Ya gotta love it !!
Stu - What kinds are you planting?? For deer......... eating..........cider ??
I got 11 apple trees from Turkey Creek earlier this month and they had the best developed roots of all apple trees I have bought from different nurseries. The nurseries I have bought apple trees from are Century Farms, Burnt Ridge, Wildlife group, and Stark Bros. If I decide to get more apple trees or other fruit trees and he has them, I'm getting them there.
TC-Let me know what you have for zone 3 apples next year. Especially crab apples. Like I need more apples.......
The apple trees I'm looking to plant next spring (2016) are Nova Spy, Spartan, Galarina, Priscilla, and maybe another Liberty and a Crimson Topaz. All on either MM-111, B-118 or Antonovka. Those will probably finish filling our open spaces other than our food plots. I'm with Stu & Willy - I'd rather spend $$ at a " little guy's " outfit than a mega-plex.
Got my 12 trees from turkey creek and they look great! Nice thick bases and great roots!
Thanks guys! Makes me happy to know that I am producing a product that meets or exceeds expectations.

Any trees left for sale?
Any trees left for sale?

I will have some in late fall or next spring. From what I have read though I would not recommend fall planting unless you are in zone 6 or warmer, zone 5 is hit or miss for fall depending on the type of fall we have. Everything I grow is leafed out and actively growing in the ground as I type this.