32-0-0 vs 41-0-0, ammonium nitrate vs urea?


5 year old buck +
If I want to put some nitrogen on my millet - does it matter which of these products I use? Yes, I realize it would take more of the 32-0-0 for the same amount of nitrogen as the 41-0-0?
It depends on the price, but generally AN is more reliable than urea. About 20% of the urea you broadcast will be lost to the atmosphere. AN is more stable, and loss should be around 3%. So if the urea is about 20% cheaper than the AN, it's probably a wash(adjusted for the percentage of nitrogen, that is).

I often use the Yara website as a resource for information on fertilizers and agricultural practices. It's based in Norway, but it's a multinational company that sells and manufactures fertilizer all over the world. I typically use the Norwegian and UK sites, but they do have a US website, though I'm not sure if the same info can be found there as on the other versions of the site. Here is a link to the UK page that discusses exactly what you are asking.
At the end of the day for what I assume the purpose(s) of you millet I doubt you would see much difference related to use of urea or ammonium nitrate. I think we like to pick apart the advantages and disadvantages of different materials and practices to no practical habitat improvement outcome. If we were talking production ag over hundreds or thousands of acres then the economics would be a major consideration.

Before ammonium nitrate become something other than a source of N fertilizer it was preferred over urea. It's more stable in the soil than urea but in most instances of use urea losses ae probably much smaller than the extremes we seem to want to believe are common.