2018 Wildlife Group Franklin.

White Birch Farm

5 year old buck +
Before and after a light prune.54C7BD2D-1288-44D5-8389-491DAB55DE3E.jpeg7BEDF5F1-C5A7-4995-A692-0887F272F1E9.jpeg
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I would take all branches off below 4.5 to 5 feet this year. I’ve had great success with this on tree growth.
I have 6 Franklin ciders on order for this spring. keep us posted on your progress.
I have a little bit of everything so I can compare different varieties and rootstocks. The Franklin I have is one of my favorites because it grows like a weed, and wants to produce fruit early. I planted mine in 2017 and it bloomed in both '18 and '19. I pruned the fruit off so the tree would put on wood growth, not fruit growth, but this year I'll let a few grow to see what how they do, and how long they hold.

My blossom are still probably a week to 10 days away, so it sure is nice to see yours in full bloom!
I bought 3 from Stark Bros. last year, very late spring on a buy 2 get 1 free sale. They were pretty rough looking being the last of the litter. All 3 are leading out nicely, with one of them producing a flower cluster.
I bought 3 from Stark Bros. last year, very late spring on a buy 2 get 1 free sale. They were pretty rough looking being the last of the litter. All 3 are leading out nicely, with one of them producing a flower cluster.

I've been pinching the flow buds off mine for the first couple years. I'd rather have them put their energy into vegetative growth when young.
I've been pinching the flow buds off mine for the first couple years. I'd rather have them put their energy into vegetative growth when young.
Yep, it will be a few years before I let it grow any apples.
Did anyone let some apples grow on Franklin this year? I had one tree on b118 with a couple apples but gone now. Whether dropped or critters got em not sure. A nearby honeygold still has a bunch of apples though so not sure if critters are the reason

Not even mid Oct but was under impression Franklin's hold some fruit into early winter. Since young tree not a real test yet but was surprised to see that. An Enterprise also with first year several fruits is still hanging.
That is impressive growth.