2014 Wolf Hunt

West Branch

5 year old buck +
More wolves will be shot and less does in Northern MN for 2014. There are more wolf licenses available and there will be a higher quota for 2014!


We will have a 3-4 guys applying to hunt this year. Two of us have one point from last year and the other guys would be first time applying. Maybe one of us will get drawn.

Not sure if I should apply for the early or late season. We have not had any wolves on trail cameras yet this year! The snow was probably as hard on them as the deer. I haven't heard of any issues locally but they are definitely around.

If you don't have wolves in your area and want to hunt apply for the NE zone late season and come stay in our shack/cabin while you hunt at no charge!. If someone is an ambitious hunter there would be 1,000s of acres to wolf hunt on. If someone would be interested in this for the late season wolf hunt we could definitely work something out!