I was kind of dumb founded when mine all failed. Especially when the M111s grafted at the same time all took! I agree on the space thing. I have refined my system a bit. Bench graft in the spring, T- bud in the failures in the fall, yank any remaining failures in the 2nd spring. I have found some root stocks just have issues and even if they take the tree seems to struggle from day one.
I was kind of dumb founded when mine all failed. Especially when the M111s grafted at the same time all took! I agree on the space thing. I have refined my system a bit. Bench graft in the spring, T- bud in the failures in the fall, yank any remaining failures in the 2nd spring. I have found some root stocks just have issues and even if they take the tree seems to struggle from day one.
I know you can buy the Dolgo as seedlings, so I would assume those sold as root stock are seedlings as well.Some of my seedlings are the same way. Are dolgo and columbia rootstocks all seedlings?