according to germplasm agreements that people have to sign, they can not sell any of the 15/16th nuts. (let me know if you want the link). And, even though some state tree farms have started growing 15/16th seedlings, I have been told they can not sell it yet either because the trees still fall under the agreement. However, you may be able to secure them through the ACF for "field testing" or I believe if you are a member of the ACF you are eligible to purchase nuts.
Data recently released by the TACF chief biologist on the 15/16th trees is not encouraging. They have determined that blight resistance is carried on 9 of the 12 chinese chromosomes, not just 2 or 3. Doing some probability math easily shows that it is very difficult to capture all of the blight resistance from 9 genes through back-crossing. And by the time you do that, the tree has so much chinese phenotype that it does not resemble an american. Data released from the 15/16th trees also shows only about 20-30% survival after 5 years. However, there are still some samples of individuals within the back-cross trees that show good blight resistance so there are still arguments for the back-breeding program. But, there is now a strong presence to move away from back-crossing and place combined group efforts into the transgenic chestnut. However, as you can imagine, there is alot of time, $$$$, effort (and politics) tied into the back crossing so its not as simple as changing directions.
What does that mean to us wildlife habitat people? If I were "field testing" 15/16th trees, I would secure more than originally estimated quantities to permit for considerable losses. I would not expect that they may resemble an american, I would not expect that the nuts would be sweet like an american etc., etc. and I would still plant good producing Chinese Chestnut trees knowing that there is a good chance they will last 20+ years.
Not only has SUNY-ESF developed transgenic americans but this summer they have successfully shown blight resistance in transgenic chinkapins. The transgenic American has started its FDA approval process.
I may be a slightly off for some of my wording so please add any additional information I may have unintentionally misrepresented. I am paraphrasing as best I could remember from my reading and discussions.