Recent content by SmallChunk

  1. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    Man, that thing has the shape of a Mac, but the color of an arkansas black! Very interesting....can you get scion from that sucker?
  2. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    Love this apple. Great taste and it gets huge! Connell Red Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    Ahhhhh, that makes sense! This whole time, I thought it was because they were red fleshed!
  4. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    So is it the skin of the Kerr that will give it a hint of red?
  5. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    I must´ve mistaken! I thought that was the one that gave your cider a red color!
  6. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    Red Baron Kerr-didn’t plan on picking but there were only 3 on tree. Critters got half of one and when I went to pluck it off, another fell. So I picked the other one too. Very interesting taste, wasn’t sure if I was ripe but the seeds make it seem so? Bur, I though they had some red flesh to...
  7. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    That I have no clue. This tree is still in my nursery and I let it have one apple on it this spring after it flowered. I do know that it tasted terrible lol.
  8. SmallChunk

    Any places to find non-dwarf apple trees?

    PM me, I´ll have some trees on B.118 available this fall/next spring and am north of the cities about an hour.
  9. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    Chestnut Crab Paula Red Anaros Crab Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. SmallChunk

    Blue Hill Nursery

    I did 4-5 trees a couple of years ago in East central MN and had good luck. I will be doing about 100 of them this fall due to all my spring grafts being at a location that was sold.
  11. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    Centeniall Crab picked yesterday Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    I picked a Whitney Crab on Friday that wasn’t quite ripe, but still tasty! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    Breakey This has been a winner for me so far in its young life. Vigorous grower and it produced very early on in its life. It’s VERY juicy and was a good eater and I read that it is a good one to bake with. If you’re looking for an easy to grow early apple, check this one out! Sent from my...
  14. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    I love the looks of the Cauley and Roxbury Russet! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. SmallChunk

    Apple pics 2020

    Let’s have a thread of just Apple pictures! My first ever Norland. It’s still in my planter, couldn’t help but leave 1 Apple on the tree after plucking some off this spring. Waited a day or two too long and one side was a bit soft. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk