Recent content by silver_yummies

  1. silver_yummies

    Anybody happy with their fruit tree population?

    I’ve got 2 main orchards on my land now with each having roughly 75 apple trees each. I think I’m done expanding them and will reserve the open acres for yearly planted food plots. I still have 30 or so in my nursery garden to replace weak/dead ones over the next 2 years or so.
  2. silver_yummies

    What is this? Fireblight??

    As in, can I just cut it at the base and throw it 50 yards away in the woods? Or remove it from the land entirely and burn?
  3. silver_yummies

    What is this? Fireblight??

    So, proper way to dispose of this nasty thing is?
  4. silver_yummies

    What is this? Fireblight??

  5. silver_yummies

    What is this? Fireblight??

    Thanks. Figured so.
  6. silver_yummies

    What is this? Fireblight??

    Never seen this before on a tree of mine. Is this fire blight?? Something else?
  7. silver_yummies

    Apples, If you were to pick just 3

    Here I thought a 3M disposable respirator was good enough for Imidan spraying. Maybe not?!
  8. silver_yummies

    $70.00 cam

    Also can’t get this deal. $39.99 for me.
  9. silver_yummies

    Orchard location

    I am doing the same exact thing this year at my property. I will have 2 'Main' orchards in 2 different parts of the property with ~70 or so apple trees in each.
  10. silver_yummies

    Bill Winke supports our addiction - keep on planting!

    Nice recap from Bill Winke on what he saw this year from his wild apple trees and how the deer attraction was. TLDW; Plant more fruit trees ;)
  11. silver_yummies

    $70.00 cam

    These are 2020 models and i’ve been running 8 of these the last 3 years with no issues as a fyi.
  12. silver_yummies

    $70.00 cam

    Cheap/great quality in my opinion for $70 shipped is the Browning HD Max Dark Ops cam - on there website under the 'Sale' menu. I just added more of those to my camera collection...
  13. silver_yummies

    2024 Scion Exchange

    Bulk order from Copenhaven farms.
  14. silver_yummies

    Club Apples

    Oh yeah, I'm excited for this one. I've got a couple in the orchard now!
  15. silver_yummies

    Labeling fruit trees

    Impress-o-tag metal labels from Amazon for on the tree identity. I also have a google Map layer created with every apple tree I have with pins and then the name/rootstock. This is key to have for when tags become lost or unreadable for whatever reason. I’ve had deer chew on these soft aluminum...