Recent content by RGrizzzz

  1. RGrizzzz

    Cuddelink general Q&A recommendations

    I had one that got cranky. I fiddled with the cables and the panel, and it started working again. Maybe try switching it to a different camera and see what happens. Could be camera, cable or panel.
  2. RGrizzzz

    Plot rejuvenation spraying opinions

    I vote to spray both with Imox in spring. Timing matters. Make sure the grass and weeds are growing and small/young. The Raptor label is more helpful than the generic branded Imox. (Same active ingredient) Smart weed comes in later in the season, so can can decide how to deal with it later.
  3. RGrizzzz

    Cuddelink general Q&A recommendations

    It's my opinion the cards wear out over time. They may get bad sectors or something that the camera doesn't handle well. Across many brands, SD cards tend to be the biggest problem component. Some manufacturers have gone as far as building storage into their cell cameras. This likely eliminates...
  4. RGrizzzz

    Cuddelink general Q&A recommendations

    About once a year my G series home starts getting cranky. I put a brand new SD card in, and it hums along for a while again.
  5. RGrizzzz

    2025 Scion Exchange

    Sealed baggy with a damp paper towel
  6. RGrizzzz

    Spring Cover Crop

    I agree. If you're expecting that bad of regrowth, I'd focus on killing it in year one, ammending and then planting in the fall or next spring. Chances are the invasive stuff will green up first so you can try to kill it before anything native comes in. It will also likely stay greener longer...
  7. RGrizzzz

    2025 Scion Exchange

    Has anyone ever looked at the trees and scion "The lost apple project" offers? Their sale is open now. I believe the varieties they offer are targeted for human consumption, but it may be possible to ask about drop times.
  8. RGrizzzz

    Deodorize boots

    I emailed them too. They responded quickly with the following. Thank you for reaching out to Meindl USA, we appreciate your interest in our boots! We would recommend using warm water and soap to clean the boots up and that should help with the odor. We normally take out the insole and scrub...
  9. RGrizzzz

    Deodorize boots

    I hesitate to go that route.
  10. RGrizzzz

    Deodorize boots

    I need some help deodorizing a pair of boots. I found a pair of like new Meindl Comfort fit hikers cheap on FB marketplace. They're like new but smell like they've been sitting in someone's basement or garage for a few years. What's the best way to remove the odor from them? I left them out in...
  11. RGrizzzz

    Best fertilizer for young grafted Apple rootstock

    What soil are you using in the pots? You need to consider pH even in pots. Not all potting soil is neutral. For anything potted, I'd use Osmocote.
  12. RGrizzzz

    More nursery persimmons and pear

    Lots of bad feedback on Morse after Charlie stopped running it/sold it/passed it down.
  13. RGrizzzz

    More nursery persimmons and pear

    Get pears from Bluehill. Their trees are great. Check for persimmon. They're usually a little more expensive.
  14. RGrizzzz

    2025 Scion Exchange

    I PMed you about Rut rage and marble Hill.
  15. RGrizzzz

    Tsi entire property?

    I would do chunks every few years. Then you have ESH in different phases across the property. (But keep some mature oaks)