That is one of my perennial Clover fields. I am giving up on perennial clover and will only plant annuals going forward.
That said, the turkeys love this field. I rarely see them in my thick rye and clover fields.
One thing is for certain. They will come back. Have a plan to battle them. Forestry mulching is awesome and looks great right after. But without chemicals after it will be a jungle again shortly.
Truth. But it does seem that local changes in weather (or maybe something else) can affect one years poult vs the next.
Here a rise in predators had negative effect on turkey. But with rise of predator hunting the turkey seem to be improving also.
My guess is yall had been in drought and the wet spring helped.
Also lots of factors change year to year. Kind of like the weather. But long term the change in habitat is what effects turkey success the most, imo of course.
I have burned a ton and planted lots of native grass. My place is now covered with turkeys.
It’s habitat.
I think TSS has resulted in many LESS wounded birds.
And I have nothing but good things to say about Grant woods. I email with him some and he has always been happy to help free of...
I’ve had zero problems with it. I’ve done zero maintenance and the battery is working great. I spray chain lube every once in a while. The new version went to a belt so you wouldn’t even have to do that.
You think a weed wiper would help with invasive like bush honeysuckle regrowth? Honest question.
Anytime I’ve tried to rush the process I’ve been disappointed. I agree planting some annuals is fine. But I would plan on nuking the area several times and getting a good kill on the bad stuff over...