Recent content by gwm

  1. gwm

    If you could change one regulation in your state

    Wisconsin info....
  2. gwm

    Minimal Excavation Waterholes

    And as Brian said, they become really good during the rut. I got numerous pics of this buck chasing this doe and both stopped to get a drink.
  3. gwm

    Minimal Excavation Waterholes

    Here's what I did: Get a 110-gallon stock tank from your local Tractor Supply store. Get your wife multiple shovels just in case one fits her hand better than the others. As she digs the hole, have her put the dirt in the SxS so she can patch some spots on the SxS trail. Win / win. Have her...
  4. gwm

    MDC stoops to a new low, kill 12 bucks a year.

    WI has tried some variation of this in the past. It's never really gotten to far and hopefully it doesn't. This group was proposing $1,000 to the landowner, $1,000 to the hunter, and $300 to the sample testing agency...
  5. gwm

    Am I the only land mgr without a SxS

    One of those items we should have bought sooner than we did. We also have two dogs that are with us all the time. They LOVE riding in the SxS.
  6. gwm

    Question for the group! Over-Seeding Rye and Winter Wheat into standing beans???

    I'm broadcasting WR into beans tonight after work on the slight possibility the 47% chance of rain tomorrow actually happens. That said, I'm in the broadcast now group.
  7. gwm

    Trailcam pics

    First time ever getting, what looks to be a few days-old fawn, in mid-August.
  8. gwm

    Name of Land, What would you put on sign?

    Ours would be "The Land." Original, I know. We don't live on our property so any conversation is something like, "We're going to the land", "We're at the land", "Bonfire Sat night at the land", etc.. Those two words actually get my labs off the couch and heading towards the door.
  9. gwm

    How You Get To Your Deer Stand

    We typically walk in and out for both the morning and afternoon hunts. Ideally, we get picked up in the SxS after the hunt, but that's not always an option. We're on our property a lot and always driving around with the SxS. We've had numerous does, and fawns watch us drive by, but we've never...
  10. gwm

    Tree Stand Concealment

    I've never used this but have thought about getting one and trying it.
  11. gwm

    Tree & Plant Identification App

    I also use Picture This.
  12. gwm

    Lithium camera batteries AA. Ouch!!

    Has anyone tried the AmpTORRENT lithium rechargeable batteries? Trailcampro speaks highly of them and they get good reviews there. I had Reconyx convert a XR6 camera to solar. My thoughts were solar, and these as battery backup, and I may never have to buy batteries for this camera again.
  13. gwm

    Small Watering Hole

    I have put in multiple waterholes on my property. The "natural" ones are better all around in my experience but the 110 gallon stock tanks are well worth the time and effort. On the other hand, my dogs will tell you its their swimming pool.
  14. gwm

    Deer Stand Help I've used the above place to order straps. They have different strap ends for different stands. I also prefer the larger rubber coated ratchets.