Recent content by Brokenbear

  1. Brokenbear

    Almost an "At a Boy"

    Well today was of course Valentines Day ..I was so happy I remembered ..Brought her home a bunch of fresh flowers Wednesday ..points for sure ..Also got her a genuine Hallmark card ..picked myself I did ..right out of the "wife section" of Valentine Cards it and half way through reading...
  2. Brokenbear

    606NT drill and JD 4120

    Your tractor is fine ..just remember speed kills so take it easy ..You might want to worry more about what truck you are going to pull that big wide heavy rascal with in Missouri there are lots of hills n roads n curves with absolutely no shoulders to dive to plan your route from...
  3. Brokenbear

    food plot and standing corn

    So thinking out of the box here a moment ..I would determine the deer's primary bedding spot(s) and place your food plots between the bedding and the soon if not picked corn ...I would also require the farmer to plant wheat over the picked corn field as soon as he has picked the corn Bear
  4. Brokenbear

    Milo seed market?

    Folks you never stop learning in this habitat game we play ..not an expert by any means but I do have some "earned lessons" that at the very least might get you thinking and do a bit more research as we still have time to do that research .. 1. You need to define EACH parameter of your...
  5. Brokenbear

    Washed out again so RE-Do ideas

    20+AC river bottoms planted in Green Cover Summer release this spring and the river next to it washed us out again and now has sparse intended plants and lots of everything else ..the majority being 3' tall Nutsedgecc We have an excavator coming in inside of two weeks to clear predominate creek...
  6. Brokenbear

    Bought Anything Lately That Met Your Expectations?

    Turkey Creek this is the one I bought 3 years ago and it was the only one like it at that time ... However there are now showing look alike version for less money than this "TERA PUMP" brand ...I should...
  7. Brokenbear

    Bought Anything Lately That Met Your Expectations?

    Turkey Creek I will go out to the Gen shed in the morning and look for sure at the brand/model number I have but it appears the mfg is labeling it for several different folks as I look on Amazon ..but I think it is this one...
  8. Brokenbear

    Bought Anything Lately That Met Your Expectations?

    Here's another one that really works for me great ... I have a gas generator (run twice monthly for an hour) for the whole house in a shed out back of the house ..I'm rural and where we live in winter more often Ice than snow or rain taking down the power lines Also we live near the New Madrid...
  9. Brokenbear

    Grain Drill Storage Ideas

    As I started this spring's drilling season with my Great Plains 3P606NT (first over winter for me and this machine) I had a mouse nest in one drop in the Large box that took a bit to clear out ... The seed tubes, drop hoses and drop fingers had been cleaned out and the inside of the hopper...
  10. Brokenbear

    GP/LP 3P600 or 3P606NT user thread

    I cannot help much on the teetering 3P500/600 as I have a 3P606NT and I am sure the front cutter discs do some stabilizing on mine that would be absent from the 500/600 This next part might just be a foolish statement ..but keep in mind that I am in black river bottoms soil but I am to the point...
  11. Brokenbear

    Best implement for leveling plots?

    Maybe when you want to move it (remove top link) just run a chain from the pin of the tractors top link mount to the middle of the black tool bar holding the roller cage? Of course Chain rigged with the swing arms in the lowest position Bear
  12. Brokenbear

    Bought Anything Lately That Met Your Expectations?

    Dumb and simple but can't believe how much I use it ..I admit I would do anything NOT to have to start my air compressor in the shop ..but then again ..the air compressor is not always where/when I get in a bind and this pretty well is where I need it when I need it
  13. Brokenbear

    Crimping Crimson % of Success

    Yes Sir and thank you for asking ..I planted 5/31/2024 and then went immediately over it with my crimper ..the rye was color of ripening wheat but the field after crimping looked good in the thatch department ..
  14. Brokenbear

    Perennial Plot Questions

    All good ideas above but thinking outside the box just a bit ...clovers as a rule have a pretty good track record for about 3 years on the same ground but then rotating something else for the clover for a year or two seems to revitalize the soil making it ready for another 3 solid years of...
  15. Brokenbear

    Lets talk about pre-emergent herbicides.

    I have done pretty good with nuke the whole thing with Gly then a medium dose of 2/4D a day later then wait one rain and plant ..the switch grasses n tall sorghum (AKA "screen") and has generally out distance any of the knocked back grass n broad leafs ..and usually will quickly shade out...