Recent content by Bladesmith

  1. B

    Last years plot

    Thank you, sounds like a good plan.
  2. B

    Last years plot

    Yes, I've had soil tests and amended it with recommended lime and fertilizer. It grows rye quite well, but this year being a wet spring the weeds over took it, that's why I was looking for experienced advice as to how to.get it back in shape for my fall rye planting.
  3. B

    Last years plot

    No, it's on top of a ridge, it's a cleared wood lot with some rocks thrown in.. I'm in mid missouri hill country.
  4. B

    Last years plot

    I have no idea.
  5. B

    Last years plot

    Here's a couple pictures of my last years rye plot, I brush hogged it the 4th of July and broad cast some buckwheat in hopes of improving the soil some, well the grasses and weeds took it over. Should I spray it with gly and then brush hog it again or do something else to get it ready for...
  6. B

    Old plot rebuild

    I have this older 1/2 ac plot in mid missouri that was in cereal rye last fall, I brush hogged it down July 4th and broadcast some buckwheat in with hopes of improving the soil. Well in the picture you can see buckwheat did very little and grass and weeds took over. Should I spray with gly, then...
  7. B

    Summer plot soil builder

    Thanks for suggestions everyone. I do appreciate them.👍👍
  8. B

    Summer plot soil builder

    I'm in central Missouri
  9. B

    Summer plot soil builder

    One last question, in early September can I just broadcast rye in the oats/peas and then just crimp down?
  10. B

    Summer plot soil builder

    I like the thoughts of the oat/pea mix then see how the rye plot responds this fall. Thanks
  11. B

    Summer plot soil builder

    With oat/pea mix can I just broadcast and then culti pack in the seed, or do I need to lightly disc then seed and pack. I don't have a drill.
  12. B

    Summer plot soil builder

    I have a 1 acre plot that I had in cereal rye last fall and because of poor soil and drought it did not do very good. I am wanting to plant a inexpensive soil builder this spring that I can crimp down after planting rye back into it this fall. Any ideas on an inexpensive crop that would work...
  13. B

    Deer bedding cover

    West central miller county.
  14. B

    Deer bedding cover

    Thanks everyone, I'll do some more studying and try to come up with a plan. With neighbors on my west corner line it limits where I can create bedding without people activity, even though it's not on me, it's close enough that their coming and going creates issues, and my north corner where it...
  15. B

    Deer bedding cover

    In order to make a big enough area far enough away from the food plot to be beneficial I'd have to remove to many trees, and that would be back close to the neighbors property. The trees are mostly white and red oaks. There is a grass called river oats that has small groups of growth in these...