Recent content by Belo

  1. Belo

    Chief River Nursery

    I've generally found that vendor shopping for bareroots is the way to go. Some seem to have good deals on some varieties and stupid prices on others. I found chief river was solid on doug fir's. The other thing that I've learned over the fast few years is that it's probably better to pay more...
  2. Belo

    New Property - Equipment Advice?

    I have the 44bc I think? it's not the lowest tier, but the beefier kohler iirc. My issue is not that it's not capable, that thing has cut everything I've thrown at it. It's that how you mow with it being towed behind and only being 44" that it just takes a while and can be difficult to maneuver...
  3. Belo

    New Property - Equipment Advice?

    Thank you all and you are confirming generally what I was leaning towards. Just didn't want to get it wrong. The UTV is amazing and a tractor doesn't replace a lot of what it can do, so I'm happy to have it and a tractor would be an awesome addition as well as maybe just renting an excavator at...
  4. Belo

    New Property - Equipment Advice?

    This might be a bit of a long post but I'm hoping the more details I provide the better. I have been leasing 40 acres in upstate NY for about 4 years. The property is about 1/2 apple/peach orchard and fields and half hardwoods. When I first started leasing (from family) I wasn't looking to...
  5. Belo

    Fimco Rant

    I don't see how it wouldn't work. The tank itself is pretty solid and I haven't had any issues with it. Valves and stuff are likely designed and rated for a certain PSI, so if you stayed within range the system itself should work just fine with a different pump that you rigged up.
  6. Belo

    I would really appreciate advice on planting oaks

    So 2 of my chestnuts have already grown over the top of my 4' tubes in year 1. Would you say cage next year, because I was leaning towards that but wasn't sure if I should leave it on for another year.
  7. Belo

    I would really appreciate advice on planting oaks

    What about deer that would browse the tops? I have 4', 5' and even 6' fences. Would a smaller 4' fence still allow for them to just chew the tops off? Does that happen?
  8. Belo

    I would really appreciate advice on planting oaks

    Well I started all my oaks and chestnuts in tubes this year and even in one summer have been thoroughly impressed. Now yall making me nervous. My goal was 2 to 3 years... mostly just to keep them safe from rubbing/browse. The cost to cage the few dozen trees I have planted will be insane. Tubes...
  9. Belo

    Fimco Rant

    Well I ran the last tank of the season on Tuesday and it was decent. This was after 20 gallons of max arrest and 30 gallons of roundup a few weeks prior on the newest pump. She primed ok but struggled from time to time with the fruit tree and plant guard by bonide. I also bought some tank and...
  10. Belo

    Persimmons in Upstate NY

    Well shit, that changes things. I couldn't care less about the seed.
  11. Belo

    Persimmons in Upstate NY

    Wild so I could have some that never produce fruit but are needed for politization? Ive been growing fruit trees my whole life and haven't run into a tree like this yet if that's the case.
  12. Belo

    Fimco Rant

    Another rant I forgot. All 3 of my pumps have had the bolts holding the pump together loosen. Seems some simple blue thread locker should be applied at the factory for guys like me who throw these on the back of their utv or atv which is generally not flat. I realize they need to be removed to...
  13. Belo

    Fimco Rant

    dang man I have a 65 gallon tank. I use my pump at a remote location too. I don't have the time for that haha. Anyhow, I'm optimistic about their secret redesign that is supposed to "work with roundup"
  14. Belo

    Fimco Rant

    Literally in the f'n manual. Last sentence, first paragraph. These guys...
  15. Belo

    Persimmons in Upstate NY

    another maybe dumb question, but buying root stock from a place online aren't I running the same gamble? For what it's worth I planted 7. Lets say I only had 1 male or 1 female, that would still work right?