Recent content by Apple Junkie

  1. Apple Junkie

    Apples, If you were to pick just 3

    Bigboreblr, the Wickson is edible, but I would not make even make a snack out of it. Better choices abound. Just sayin’… Idared is good to zone 3 and still available at Waflers Nursery (M.111, M.106, and B.118). I see Cummins will be offering them in 1025. Delicious to boot in my view. Bows...
  2. Apple Junkie

    Apples, If you were to pick just 3

    I’ll pick my top three, conceding there lots of other varieties I am also very happy with. So, starting at number three and working up to my top “go to” tree, they are: Number 3 – Chestnut Crab The Chestnut crab is a large vigorous tree, which when grown on a larger rootstock like M.111 or...
  3. Apple Junkie

    Pruning Philosophy.......

    Just some food for thought. I have learned from experience that ripe time and drop time are two different things. I have a couple late-ripening goldrush that have been producing for quite a while now. The problem is, they don’t drop until spring, making them pretty much worthless for hunting or...
  4. Apple Junkie

    Pruning Philosophy.......

    It's always fun to see how pruning affects a trees growth. I love your idea of giving each tree a different degree of attention. When it comes to pruning, I find that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Like most, I shoot for a central leader with an open canopy. However, when I come across...
  5. Apple Junkie

    Bobcat Chasing Mature Buck

    As a side note, the bobcat in pic 4 appears to have a tracking collar attached to its neck. I wonder if the local game folks could tell you more about its range and activities. I had no idea a bobcat would chase a mature buck. You learn something new every day, thanks for posting it.
  6. Apple Junkie

    What happened to my apple tree

    I could be mistaken, but that sure looks like classic deer browse damage to me. Your fencing is inadequate, being too low, too close, and not sturdy enough to prevent future deer damage. So far, no long-term damage has been done. But if not fenced properly, when winter arrives, it won’t be the...
  7. Apple Junkie

    Fruit trees for Spring 2023

    That is impressive work KY. Your grafting skills give you a lot of flexibility in adding/altering varieties that work best in your location. Nice work.
  8. Apple Junkie

    Coyote with a white tip tail

    I love these little surprises, either when hunting, or when when opening a new batch of trail cam pics. Great pics guys.
  9. Apple Junkie

    Otter? Mink?

    Personally, I like seeing 'em. Kinda cool to see them coming back.
  10. Apple Junkie

    Apple Tree Pruning Help

    I am seeing similar traits in my enterprise as you do, although mine has only been in the ground 4 years. Like yours, it looks great, grows like a weed, but thus far I have seen only a few blossoms, none of which set. Based on you experience, I won’t expect too much for a few years. Glad you...
  11. Apple Junkie

    Chainsaw safety ... the Widow Maker!

    I would recommend anyone using a chainsaw on a regular basis take the "Game of Logging" safety course if it is offered in your area.
  12. Apple Junkie

    Maple syrup

    Nice run this week in NY. Two of us tap 9 tree, 2 taps per tree. A couple good days will give us 150 gallons of sap to cook down to about 3-ish gallons of syrup. In a couples days, we've got all we need. Any additional sap is spread around among friends and neighbors who are also boiling for...
  13. Apple Junkie

    Fruit trees for Spring 2023

    Big Moose, Stillwater…. Brrrrrr! Now, that is some cold territory. Three trees come to mind that might make it up there, are Franklin, Frostbite, Redfield, and maybe Ida Red. U of M trees might do ok too. Crabs are tough - Kerr, Norland, Whitney, and Wickson might be worth a try. I used to love...
  14. Apple Junkie

    Fruit trees for Spring 2023

    I like to buy local, because there is usually a winery or brewery between me and the nursery where my wife and I are picking up the trees. This year… Schlabach Nursery – Medina, NY Crimson Crisp / M.111 Grimes Golden / M.111 Ida Red / M.7 Wafler Nursery – Wolcott, NY Dolgo crab / Emla 7 Zestar...
  15. Apple Junkie

    Anyone else gone Bonkers?

    Sorry to hear this tree/rootstock combination bit the dust in 3B, R.E. That said, it's really useful to document your experience. I have liberty, Chestnut crab, frostbite, Bonkers, and Galarina on P.18. All are young yet (second or third leaf) but they are thriving here.