Opinions on score

What a whopper! Gross maybe 190" ??

Got it all.. Width, mass, tines, decent height..
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I see 180s, maybe upper 180s. Get Swiffy on here... he'll know.
Any idea how old that buck is?
No history with buck. This is my second year owning this place and I don't remember him from last year. He has been around all summer.
I had this buck come through last week and at first thought it was same as above but definitely 864049050468158-90-1-10222021001206-HD-W1001803.jpg different buck
I'd say they're brothers! Great genetics you have there.
I see 180s, maybe upper 180s. Get Swiffy on here... he'll know.
Haha yeah right... thanks Mort!

I think 180s sounds right. Hes got to have close to 80" sides... id say more with the stickers and a conservative 20"+ spread. My first impression is over 190.... but im guessing this is a southern deer and they always throw me for a loop! In Midwest id say that deer is gross over 190 all day! Mega
He was in food plot yesterday afternoon about 30 yards from my stand. I hunted this am but no show. If he scored 180 I'd by pumped. I should let him go a year and see if he makes 200...not