Anyone getting photos of velvet bucks yet?

Can you right click and open with paint? Resize pic in paint?
WIth the help of my wife and a lot of head scratching I figured out how to resize a photo. Course now I forgot why I wanted to post this one. Either 8 or 9. Has been between 195-200 over past few years . Looks like he is waning some. I'll let him die of old age just to see what he does. That said he historically has been extremely rare to see in hard antler but easy to get velvet photos. Tis the world of the whitetail 8A775BE5-F80D-425D-A38A-E998AC922A6A.jpeg
I recall that G2. This is the same buck right? I was also remembering a different taller tined 10 that you found both sides from IIRC.

With my new found technical greatness here is a younger buck thats fun to find . Suspect 4 yr old as I have no idea who he is. For you sharp eyed observers you can see 3 generations of the squiggly main beam here, E2DD1D5A-7B05-4F34-8E40-DC85F68F4F19.jpeg
I recall that G2. This is the same buck right? I was also remembering a different taller tined 10 that you found both sides from IIRC.

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Definitely same. Could 10 you are talking about be the first one posted on pg 5?. They tend to blur after enough years
I don't think squig jr. Maybe the 1 behind him? Thought the sheds had a common base g2/g3 on 1 side.
Yep, but its on a Browning camera and when I try to upload says ' file to large'? Several pics I could post if someone can teach me how to resize.

I see you've resized them...another option that I use is just upload to here: (I leave it on "do not resize my image) and put the link in the "insert image"(after clicking on the little chain-link) you click on above where you're typing. Maybe that's even more confusing...I haven't resized any in years.
Yep, but its on a Browning camera and when I try to upload says ' file to large'? Several pics I could post if someone can teach me how to resize.

if you take a screen shot of your screen while it’s open on your computer that usually shrinks file size. I’ll have to dig around in the back room and see what the file size limit is. My understanding is the system automatically resizes them anyway.
Think my days of posting to the velvet buck thread are closing.

Cool..I'm looking forward to those days.
Saw my 1st hard horn on the 26th in western Pa. a nice 9pt. that 2 days before was covered in velvet
Bloody antlers in NC, 24 August.


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I only ran one cam this summer in one location. This is the best I have for now. He came out of velvet on the 22nd.

I moved the camera on Saturday to a stand location and will let it sit until my first time in. If I don’t get any decent pics I’ll move it to one of my plots in The Valley where it will sit until October 1. After that it will be off to a scrape where it will get a new set of batteries and run through the 15 of November

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And just like that they all are showing up without the velvet. 20210831_073010.jpg