Your Plans for 2015



So what improvements and changes do you have planned for 2015?
1. Stand adjustments (lots to do here)
2. Clear brush and and prepare a new kill plot which all will be done with hand equipment and no till.
3. Prune the apple trees
4. Cut large trees on south side of my existing small plot to get more sun on that plot
5. Meet with logger this spring to get plan figured out for the cut next winter including making existing plots bigger, creating funnels, create bedding and creating a trail around the perimeter of the property.
Next year will be my first full year with my new place. Going to take it slow so I don't do something now that I end up regreting later.

Things to do:
clear trees which have fallen on the single strand fence line and repair the fence in those areas
pile up brush and trash into piles that will be burned next winter
establish food plot on the powerline easement
decide whether or not to plant my perimeter trails
rebuild old tower stand
possibly cut shooting lanes if permanent stand placements are determined, I may wait a year or two for this

BOW HUNT. I was unable to do so this year. Just took it up a couple years ago and saw more bucks on stand in two years of bow hunting than the previous 15 of gun hunting. Same property, same stands. Lots of gun pressure in the area.
Wow, we still have 3 weeks of gun season left. I'll figure it out after that.
Now that I have a tractor there will be a lot of trail maintenance done along with filling all the low spots in my plot. Marking select trees that will be removed new winter. Set up a new stand location. I have some fence work to be done and a few fallen trees to take care of.
Wow, we still have 3 weeks of gun season left. I'll figure it out after that.

I can't imagine having 3 weeks (or longer) for gun season. I don't know anything other than 9 days per year with the first two days being the good days.
Wisconsin has 9 rifle, 10 for ML(which is now a rifle) and 4 doe rifle which starts tommorow/ That's 23 days or 29 in the south for the holiday hunt

Yeah well I don't own a ML and the anterless hunts are nice and I do participate but its not the same when you have to watch bucks walk by.
an ML gets You 19 days of gun buck hunting which closes in 87 minutes.

I wonder if deer and bucks would return to their normal patterns by the end of ML season by us. They definitely go into lock down by Monday or so of regular gun season.
I have my list, but it needs to be reduced to something managable!

I think I could retire and still not get all of these things done!
day 3 all day sit for my Son and he has passed 16 bucks. He has 7 in ML range right now. Doe season starts in 15 minutes. This guy is bedded 40 yards from him right now. That's 11 times we could have taken him this season.

Lets talk about the real world that the rest of us live in. :D
I have my list, but it needs to be reduced to something managable!

I think I could retire and still not get all of these things done!

Oh there is plenty more I wish I had the money and time for too. I try and set a list of goals though.

The first year I owned land I just started projects and nearly worked myself to death and didn't enjoy any relaxing up there. I found I need to have a list for the season otherwise I just over acheive and piss off the wife and kill myself.
The first year I owned land I just started projects and nearly worked myself to death and didn't enjoy any relaxing up there. I found I need to have a list for the season otherwise I just over acheive and piss off the wife and kill myself.

That sounds real familiar.
Plant 12 crab apple trees
Hinge two different area to create better bedding
Build a box blind with my son
Finish my pond and stock with fish for the kids
Have pole barn built
3 acres of food plots to plant
Hang 2 new ladder stands

That's enough for next year
1. Clean-up log landing and burn the timber and/or screen the area.
2. Locate and buy a two row planter for corn and beans. (?)
3. Plan and implement a swamp crossing.
4. Add 1 quality box blind. (Shadow Hunter or Redneck)
5. Put up a small heated building or purchase a camper for a warm "hang-out" location....and for bath room and kitchen purposes.
6. Do "normal" food plot work.
7. Kill some damn gophers.
8. Cut some pine trees down at swamp areas to provide better bedding sites.
9. Look into logging off some red pine trees.
I can't imagine having 3 weeks (or longer) for gun season. I don't know anything other than 9 days per year with the first two days being the good days.

It's actually 72 days, but we only have 3 weeks left. I know what you're saying, though, our season in Nebraska is only 9 days---which generates A LOT of road hunting and other stupid crap because guys only have nine days to "get their deer".
I have to remind myself all the time that rome wasn't built in a day.

Priority #1 is to get some recon and confirm where the deer are bedding on my property or how they are accessing/using my property.
Late winter:
Hinge cut two areas to improve bedding
Prune back apple and crabapple trees as required
Trim Back tree tubes on crabapples to improve strength of trunk
Cut many willow cuttings to be transplanted in wet areas
Plant willow cuttings in designated areas
Coordinate bulldozer work to create two new food plots
Plant 600 tree plugs
Plant food plots
Mow targeted reed canary grass around marsh area
Spray targeted reed canary around marsh area
Spray reed canary as required
Spread class five material around buildings
Build one tower stand
Add two ladder stands and move others as needed
Late Summer/September:
Plant 50 3’ spruce into sprayed reed canary

We will see if I get all of this done but the tree/shrub plantings are the number 1 priority.
2. Locate and buy a two row planter for corn and beans. (?)


There is a guy about 10 miles east of Mankato that builds and sells 2 row food plot planters. They are 3pt hitch units with finger pick up and 30" rows. They buy old JD 7000 planters and strip them down and rebuild them for food plot guys. Neat little thing they have going there. I know a lot about planting corn if you have questions, but I am not much of a mechanic. You would maybe have to buy the bean meters separate. They are very easy to change.
I can't imagine having 3 weeks (or longer) for gun season. I don't know anything other than 9 days per year with the first two days being the good days.
Mississippi gun goes from about 2cnd week of Nov all the way to Feb 15 in the southern zone.
Foggy, I have a 2 row 71 flex planter that was rebuilt and not been used since. I think there is corn and bean plates. $1000
I saw Jerrys(Wildfire) planter. That baby is ready to hook up and dump seed! Very nice!