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Yellow forage peas.


5 year old buck +
My BIL bought some "yellow forage peas" from the local co-op. He gave me a partial bag. Not sure if I can use them unless I broadcast them into my beans. Will they grow just scattered on top of the ground before a good rain??.......or do I need to get them below ground?

Not sure what forage peas are? But I assume these are similar to AWP's? Tag says VNS from Agassis Seed out of Fargo.
Maybe packing them would be ok but not nearly as good as getting them covered.
They need to be buried. I planted that variety last year and this year as well. Grows fast and puts out very good tasting pods. I was eating them myself. Here's a pic of last years plot with sorghum and yellow forage pea.

You won't likely get this much growth on your smaller wooded plots because deer will keep it knocked down.
They need a inch of dirt on top of them for good germination
They need a inch of dirt on top of them for good germination

Hmmm. Maybe I could run them thru my 71 planter?
Hmmm. Maybe I could run them thru my 71 planter?
If I had one I'd use it.
Hmmm. Maybe I could run them thru my 71 planter?
As the others have said, about 1" deep and your planter would be the hot ticket. Planting this late might give you some great early bow season forage, if you can plant enough of them to keep the deer from eating them to the dirt, although with your densities, that might not be an issue.
We sell a lot of peas and oats. Maybe you want to throw some oats in with them? Plant anytime in the next 4-6 weeks!
We sell a lot of peas and oats. Maybe you want to throw some oats in with them? Plant anytime in the next 4-6 weeks!

Would you plant peas at about the same population as I planted my soybeans? Been considering some Rye/Oats plots anyway - about 1.5 acres. Thought I'd wait till August to plant it over old soybean plots.

Maybe the damn deer flies will be gone.
I have a ~1 acre plot of forage peas and oats planted June 14 in a more open area with a drill, wish I had got them in a bit earlier to see how they do fully matured, but it might be enough time. Also did a ~.75 acre in the woods of peas and oats broadcasted July 5 before it rained 1.5 inches. So hopefully have some experiences to share later this year.
Would you plant peas at about the same population as I planted my soybeans? Been considering some Rye/Oats plots anyway - about 1.5 acres. Thought I'd wait till August to plant it over old soybean plots.

Maybe the damn deer flies will be gone.

50lbs peas and 50lbs of oats for a total of 100lbs per acre will work plenty good.