Yates Apple tree info


5 year old buck +
For any of you guys that have Yates trees - where did you get your trees from ?? I know Dan Wombles has one / several, and I can't remember who else has them. I've found a couple places that sell them, ( net surfing ), but I can't find any on B-118 or Antonovka rootstocks. B-118 would be the choice for earlier production. I can't use smaller trees ( bears ), so B-118 or full-size rootstocks would be the ticket. Any info would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
I got my scion wood from big horse creek farm and grafted it to b118 rootstock. This was only it's second year though.
The wildlife group now has there apples on b118 as well as m106 and carry Yates.
Thunter has some producing Yates trees that he really likes. He sent me scion wood this yr but the couple I grafted didn't take.
I just placed a late order with Chris aka turkey creek and got his last two Yates an 1 Arkansas black on b118. Sorry man lol. I would call wildlife group an check on b118's. Their good people. I have had great luck with their trees.
I'm focusing on a late drop apples. Got a good variety of pears to get me to Oct. Hoping Yates, Arkansas black, and golden hornet will be my deer candy through late winter. Still searching for a couple other late dropping varieties
Mammoth black twig, and senator are both disease resistant late droppers. Another promising looking Apple is winter Jon though I cant find much info on it. Description from big horse Creek farms below.

Fruit size is small to medium, conical in shape with greenish-yellow skin with an occasional red blush. The whitish flesh is crisp, firm, juicy, aromatic and quite tart. Ripens late November to December and is an excellent keeper.
Bowsnbucks, I got my original yates from Vintage Virginia Apples on M111. It produced early on m111, even though many other varieties took longer to produce on m111.

For those looking for late droppers, I recommend adding Michelin to your inventory, as mine produces well each year and holds apples well into December.
Century Farm shows 3 Yates trees in it's inventory. They are on M111 rootstock.
Thanks guys. I'll check with Chris at TC Nursery first and see what he has going. If he doesn't have any Yates on B-118, I'll try the Wildlife group. I won't go the grafting route since we only have a few spots left and we want to get them already with a good start. Most of us ( at camp ) aren't kids anymore and taking another year to graft it myself and grow it at home is more than I want to deal with.