Would you?

There are lots of things to consider as far as getting a pass goes.

#1 - location - on my farm or being a guest on another?
#2 - goal of the hunter - experienced hunter may want something better, less experience hunter would be very tempted.
#3 - information - if you have evidence of bigger deer or believe there is a reasonable chance of seeing him next year that plays into it as well.
#4 - timing - early in the hunt or last evening of the last day?

Your farm, me in the stand, you have shared evidence of better bucks around and it's early in the hunt.....I pass.
My farm, me in the stand based on what I have seen thus far on my place and time is running out......If I have my bow I shoot (he would be my biggest bow buck by far), if I am gun hunting.....I shoot. With time running down and on my place I have about a ZERO chance of ever seeing this deer again. He falls within our harvest guidelines as well. Sure I would LOVE to see him next year.....but just how realistic is that? If it's early in my season - I still shoot with my bow, but he would get a pass if gun hunting.

That is one thing I struggle with on my place - I simply lack the cover to hold the mature bucks, so they come from other properties and the chance of seeing them again is really low. Passing on a yearling or 2 year old is one thing. Passing on a 3 year old or older in my area is another. I understand they don't get any bigger if they are dead, but you can't shoot what you can see either!
Checked our rain gauge today at the farm... last 9 days we had 5.4" of rain. Normal monthly average for September in our are is 4.0", we have received 7.15" so far this month ... farmers are now dealing with getting into and out of the fields to harvest ... :eek:


My Father in law started his working life in the 60's as a farm hand. Moved on to other things but always says the old timers said a dry year will Scare you to death a wet year will starve you to death.....
There are lots of things to consider as far as getting a pass goes.

#1 - location - on my farm or being a guest on another?
#2 - goal of the hunter - experienced hunter may want something better, less experience hunter would be very tempted.
#3 - information - if you have evidence of bigger deer or believe there is a reasonable chance of seeing him next year that plays into it as well.
#4 - timing - early in the hunt or last evening of the last day?

Your farm, me in the stand, you have shared evidence of better bucks around and it's early in the hunt.....I pass.
My farm, me in the stand based on what I have seen thus far on my place and time is running out......If I have my bow I shoot (he would be my biggest bow buck by far), if I am gun hunting.....I shoot. With time running down and on my place I have about a ZERO chance of ever seeing this deer again. He falls within our harvest guidelines as well. Sure I would LOVE to see him next year.....but just how realistic is that? If it's early in my season - I still shoot with my bow, but he would get a pass if gun hunting.

That is one thing I struggle with on my place - I simply lack the cover to hold the mature bucks, so they come from other properties and the chance of seeing them again is really low. Passing on a yearling or 2 year old is one thing. Passing on a 3 year old or older in my area is another. I understand they don't get any bigger if they are dead, but you can't shoot what you can see either!

Oh I get it. It's very easy to look at pics on the net and think you need to let everything walk.

If you do without considering where you are it may be disappointing.

If you let 10 one year olds walk and 1 makes it :(. That's tough.

i live in NJ. If that buck I posted walked by a friend hunting here and he didn't shoot I'd smack him!

Gotta know where you are hunting and act accordingly.

Funny, after being in MO so long I find a 3 year old in the east so much more than a 5 year old in the mid west.
I wish. Weather man said 100% chance today, yesterday. Today it says 10% chance:confused:

I slung rye into yellowing beans down there on Saturday anticipating a good rain yesterday. Nothing!! Fortunately, I received a quick deluge on Saturday afternoon that came out of nowhere so at least I got something.
The dang trail cam pics keep me from shooting decent bucks sometimes, I've ate tag soup a few times waiting for the big one I have pics of to show up. Other years a fat little steer of a basket rack begs me to shoot him and the day is perfect so I let the arrow fly...and once in a blue moon a real nice one comes along and it all works out. Gotta love hunting!
The dang trail cam pics keep me from shooting decent bucks sometimes, I've ate tag soup a few times waiting for the big one I have pics of to show up. Other years a fat little steer of a basket rack begs me to shoot him and the day is perfect so I let the arrow fly...and once in a blue moon a real nice one comes along and it all works out. Gotta love hunting!

I hear you. My Brother recently wasted his breath trying to explain why we should start letting 140 to 150 "gross" inch bucks walk.

I type that whole sentence realizing most guys would never have that luxury.

First if you knew my bro. You'd know he ain't letting one of those walk. Second it's a great theory and will work for the next generation. But not us. I came up happy with horn. Graduated to waiting for 135 or up based on where I am geographically.

My answer to him was when does it not become fun? I've had several not fun years worrying about who shot what, how old or how big it was.

im not sweating that anymore. If
It's not fun, it's not worth the time, sweat and $ we put into this.

I'm all for holding out for one of the best your area has "today".
If that's a fork horn, shoot the damn thing.
If that's a fork horn, shoot the damn thing.

I couldn't agree more.

In years past I hunted in an area that P&Y bucks were a realistic goal. Friends shot them, I never did. But I hung in there, waiting for my turn. Never did show up for me. After years of that, I had enough. Bought my own farm and started over.

I've evolved to a simple rule for me and my hunters: If you shoot it and are happy with it you have succeeded. If you shoot it and are unhappy with it, then you have to deal with it not me. (but they have to shoulder mount it so the $300 might hurt a little too :) )

I limit who can hunt my ground, and the rules are the same for all of them. If they are happy, I'm happy. There will be more bucks next year.

I'd take him. No doubt! But, I hold out for 2.5 or over, and I've yet to harvest one. Just does for me for the past 10ish years. It's all about the hunter's goals. I could take a spike/fork/basket6 every year. But for me my goal is to harvest the biggest deer possible. If I'm only seeing 1.5's that means a doe. If I see a 2.5+ he's going to be a target.

I've only once gotten a shot at a 2.5 (MAYBE a small 3.5)... it was just too dark for me to feel comfortable with it, even at 15 yards. I found him dead later that winter.
I'd take him. No doubt! But, I hold out for 2.5 or over, and I've yet to harvest one. Just does for me for the past 10ish years. It's all about the hunter's goals. I could take a spike/fork/basket6 every year. But for me my goal is to harvest the biggest deer possible. If I'm only seeing 1.5's that means a doe. If I see a 2.5+ he's going to be a target.

I've only once gotten a shot at a 2.5 (MAYBE a small 3.5)... it was just too dark for me to feel comfortable with it, even at 15 yards. I found him dead later that winter.

And I've killed 150 inch bucks. But what you have done trumps That Big Time.

Just keep it fun. That's what this is about.
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And I've killed 150 inch bucks. But what you have done trumps That Big Time.

Just keep it fun. That's what this is about.

If I were only in it for antlers I'd have quite when I was 18 (I'm 24 now). A big thing is that I've got a neighbor who hunts 100 feet and drives out to his blind, which is maybe 75 yards from his house. I control what I can, and don't sweat the other stuff. Over that 100 feet is what I consider our REAL neighbor. He's got 250+ acres, and regularly shoots 3.5's. So they're in the area.

Being out there is still fun, and you see lots of cool stuff. As long as we get some meat in the freezer, I'm happy.
For the guys talking about passing 130" and 140" bucks - you have it pretty good where you are. In Pa., if you see a 130" buck ...... you better drop him because it's likely your " buck of a lifetime ". ( The majority of Pa. anyway ).
I would bet our area has a 130" buck every 10 years. The buck in my avatar is the biggest I have ever got a picture of. There is a chance he is the big buck that just showed back up. Cameras are on a two week soak so I will know Friday!
your guess did good. he knows now that he will be able to come back again because you trust him.