Would like some opinions on a few apple trees

Jimmy G

5 year old buck +
I just noticed a couple apple trees have some lime green looking leaves and not much growth this year. A couple are 2nd year grafted apples on B118, one is a Stark bros Idared that is 3 years in the ground and a fourth is a 5 year in the ground Honeygold that was a potted 6 footer from a local nursery. Now all my trees have the same soil, same sun exposure, and have been fertilized the same. My first thought is nitrogen deficiency. But I've fertilized them the same as other similar trees. All my second year grafted B118's got the same amount of fertilizer and trees 20 feet away are deep green. I have 18 other 2nd year grafted B118's that look great.
Any thoughts? This is the Honeygold.

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Looks like iron chlorosis. Honeycrisp have this physiological problem. Shows a lack of ability to process calcium, I think. Young trees are more susceptible than older trees.
It looks like chlorosis to me too. For most plants that have iron chlorosis, the recommended treatment is adding some acid fertilizer like Miracid or Hollytone. You might try a bit of either around that tree and see what happens in a month or so. I'm not sure how either fertilizer works in sandy soil. Ask your local extension agent how to proceed.
Thanks for the replies. I'll call to see what I can find out.

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I get the same discoloring of my Honeycrisp trees but they keep on pumping out awesome big apples
I agree with the chlorosis assessment. I have over 200 Honeycrisp in my orchard and a fair percentage of them display some yellowing of the leaves. It is thought to be a calcium decency but by the experts but in need of further study. It has no effect on the health of the tree or fruit quality.
Good to hear, thank you

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