wolf river not producing


5 year old buck +
my father planted this tree when we moved up north in 1998. its been in the ground for 17 years. its a wolf river on an unknown rootstock, but he thinks it may be a standard rootstock

i wear size 11, and they are wider shoes

he refuses to remove some of the surrounding trees to allow more light as i suggested



it hasnt had a single blossom yet. he was contemplating really pruning the heck out of it during the summer but i advised him to wait.

what can he do besides wait?
it was raining so i didnt get to take as many pictures as i wanted, the pictures are all from the west side of the tree, looking east
Those trees to the east are pretty tall. No sun for the wolf river for nearly the entire morning, right? What does it look like to the west? It looks like you really need to get the sun on that tree.

i told him they needed more sun, but he is very much against cutting anything for sunlight. the wolf river is the one with the red arrow, the harol red (northern most green dot) has a few apples each year, but mostly way up high (most sun). the driveway is the yellow line, but there is a canopy of trees over it, so there is no extra sun from that area.
would sun on the tree this year promote flowering next year?
U can't plant fruit trees in the woods.
Go scorched earth. Tell him to cut it down if he doesn't want to do what it needs to produce.
ha! he has no gutters, 2 ft overhangs on a 12/12 pitch roof and its brick all the way around. the upper right corner is the lake, but i cut it out of the picture.
From the looks of the moss around the base of the tree, I would add some lime too. But the sunlight is #1 issue and that ( cutting ) would help with air circulation around the fruit trees and keep diseases down as well. Moss doesn't like lime or sunlight. Apple trees do.