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Winter rye brown


5 year old buck +
My winter rye was bright green when it was covered with snow, then the snow melted, then we got sub zero temps again. Now it is all brown, and laid down. Will it come back this spring? Or is it toast? Just wondering if I should be planning on planting a spring crop, or if the winter rye will come back. In past years, I don't remember it turning brown, it usually stayed green, and then kept growing.

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I've had some browning that never hurt it. But even its all brown I'd be willing to bet it will bounce back when it warms up.
I was hoping someone would say that. I was hoping the -20 temps with no snow on it when it was green last month wouldn't kill it. But it is all brown and laid down.

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I was hoping someone would say that. I was hoping the -20 temps with no snow on it when it was green last month wouldn't kill it. But it is all brown and laid down.

-20 temps - hell I'd lie down and play dead at that temp too!
No worries, it will bounce back with a vengeance once it warms up.
Seeing the same thing with my rye. It was greener a month ago than it is now.